$24 Million for Aniston?

I heard that she was paid that much for this role. Is that possible? All her films pretty much tank and hollywood is paying her this much? That ranks right up there with Reese Witherspoon getting $17 miilion for How Do You Know.

"No! That’s not true at all. Elvis takes fifty percent of everything I earn." Col. Parker


you have a typo at the end. do you mean 'how do you know?' or something
either way they always seem to be paid ridiculous amounts .... I have a feeling that this film will tank. (kinda hope so too)

and a COKE....i'm sorted


She got paid 10M. The 24M is what she made from the three movies she did last year.


All her movies tank? yeah, right.

She sure has flops, like most anybody does. but she also has hits. and don't go the "those movies are not hits because of her"-route cause otherwise I might just argue that her flops are not flops because of her but despite her.


Thanks for pointing out my typo. I just corrected it. That film came and went so fast I couldn't remember the title.

Except for that Jim Carrey film she did I can't think of any film with Aniston that did well. Her and Cox apparently think we're all dying to see a Friends movie, ala Sex and the City. Who would go see that? That sitcom writing would never go over in a film. Friends was like the Happy Days of the 90s-a crappy, hugely popular show.

"No! That’s not true at all. Elvis takes fifty percent of everything I earn." Col. Parker



name a film of HERS that didnt flop.she has never had a blockbuster or a movie that has done well where she was the star of the movie.an ensamble cast doesnt count.


And when did she have a flop where she was the only star of the movie???? She is usually co-star along with a male co-star.


This movie will open to $30-35 million opening weekend, so she can bring an audience.


the main draw-in will be adam sandler...... if it was another male lead, it probably wouldn't do as well for this genre.

so I think that it won't be aniston who rakes in the audiences, but sandler.

and a COKE....i'm sorted


ditto,if anyone goes to see this movie it is going to see it for Sandler.


really this will be the first Sandler flick I've ever watched and it has nothing to do with him,I'll be watching this because of JA

we can't please everyone so i suggest we all stop trying


Sandra Bullock was the same way...she had Speed...then everything bombed until Ms Congeniality...and then she lucked into The Blind Side. Sandra, Tom Cruise, most of the Friends women all get paid huge money...but their flicks tank.



Well, ok.

Bruce Almighty (she was the female lead)
budget: 81 million
US: 242 million
ww: 241 million
484 million total

Along Came Polly (female lead)
budget: 42 million
Us: 88 million
ww: 83 million
total: 171 million

Derailed (female lead)
budget: 22 million
US: 36 million
ww: 21 million
total: 57 million

Rumour Has It (lead)
budget: ?
US: 43 million
ww: 45 million
total: 88 million

The Break-Up (female lead)
budget: 52 million
US: 118 million
ww: 86 million
total: 205 million

Marley And Me (female lead)
budget: ?
US: 143 million
ww: 99 million
total: 242 million

Love Happens (female lead)
budget: 18 million
US: 22 million
ww: 13 million
total: 36 million

The Bounty Hunter (female lead)
budget: 40 million
US: 67 million
ww: 69 million
total: 136 million

The Switch (female lead)
budget: 19 million
US: 27 million
ww: 22 million
total 49 million

Many of the movies, in which Aniston was the female lead, in most cases billed and pictured on the poster, were hits, all of these movies not only made back their budgets but doubled them. They are not all "Hits" but certainly not Flops either.

And before you come with some "Aniston was unimportant for the success" - BS, ask yourself why she gets hired if another, cheaper actress could do the job as well.

all numbers from Boxofficemojo.com


wouldn't say any of those were hits really, apart from 'Bruce Almighty', but that did well cause she was fresh out of 'Friends', and it's star was Jim Carrey. When people say she 'flops', it's because in terms of reviews, the films she stars in are generally very poorly received and the films (although for the most part make a profit) are dissapointments at the box office, often under-perfoming.

I really like Aniston, but thats really because of 'Friends' and not her movies.
'Iron Giant' and 'Bruce Almighty' I liked though.

and a COKE....i'm sorted


So basically you only consider a blockbuster like "Bruce Almighty" to be a hit? You know nothing about boxoffice.


Nice money for playing the generic rom com role again!!

Its that man again!!


I still wouldn't call her much of a lead in Bruce Almighty, though.


Wow! No wonder she pulls in the big bucks!


who cares if the movie flops, if you can find someone that will spend that amount of bread on you, you take it!


Those box office amounts on IMDB don't tell the whole story. They cut off pretty early. Also money continues to come in from dvd sales, foreign box office ticket sales, and showings on cable and satillite channels including pay per view.

I think money is still rolling in for Horrible Bosses and it is already made back a lot more than its budget. Marley & Me is the same way.


Marley and Me, and Horrible Bosses weren't because of Aniston, neither were Bruce Almighty (Jim Carrey), Along Came Polly (Ben Stiller), The Break Up (Vince Vaughn) or Derailed. Also Love Happens and The Switch were considered to have poor box office returns.


Along Came Polly and The Break Up can be attributed partly to Aniston.


About 20%. Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn are way more bigger than draws than she is.



No getting away from it! JA is a box office draw!


I'd pay to see it for JA and Decker. Two extremely hot beauties...


That's possible. She's usually paid high for her roles.

Um? Yeah? Sure you did. Uh huh


I wouldn't call Jennifer Aniston box office poison but she is not a box office draw either. Her movies mostly break even simply because they are small rom coms and her co-stars are mostly more famous at that specific moment. I don't think people stay away because they don't want to see her but since she literally always gives the same performance it is up to her co-stars to attract an audience. This is also why she NEVER opens a movie with just her as the main lead. She is either co-starring and sharing equal amount of screentime with her male co-star or a bit less.

TBH I respect her. She knows she is rather limited as an actress and really picks the right projects. If she would have tried to do a movie 'on her own' (so to speak) she would have long faded away. She is pretty smart IMO. It might not be artistically fulfilling but she sue as hell makes the big bucks without actually having big box office hits and making movies people will actually remember.


What about office space?

Anyway, I like seeing her in movies, she has great comedic timing, nearly every man has great chemistry with her (why would they not?), she has that something special that makes you smile when you see her.

She's just very likeable, also she's the hottest woman in the room even when there are girls half her age there, just a classic beauty.
