MovieChat Forums > Just Go with It (2011) Discussion > Couldn't he have just told her they were...

Couldn't he have just told her they were his wife's kids

...from a previous marriage?
As far as we know he never told Palmer how long he and his wife had been married exactly, he could have just told her those kids weren't his, just his wife's. It would have solved the problem quickly right then and there.



Of course he could of. The plot of the movie was even more preposterous because he could have stated a couple of things when she found the ring. Such as he wears it so as not to be bothered by women, or the truth that he actually broke up before he got married, etc. Would have saved himself a fortune in money and time with a simple explanation.


> It would have solved the problem quickly right then and there.

Then the movie would have been only 18 minutes long.

Come to think of it that might have been a big improvement.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


a simple "Look, I´m not married, I´m just keeping the ring from my almost-wedding" and the film would have ended after 10 minutes.. let´s just say the whole thing wasn´t very believeable


> a simple "Look, I´m not married, I´m just keeping the ring from my almost-wedding" and the film would have ended after 10 minutes.

Actually that could have kept the movie going a little longer as the next question would have been, "And why are you still carrying it around fifteen years later?"

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


"sentimental reasons" "waiting for the right woman to wear it for" Given Palmer's sappy personality I'm sure she would've fallen head over heels for that. And the movie is done.


That's EXACTLY what I thought. I was expecting Sandler to say "oh yeah those are her kids, not mine"


All great answers. I understood it was necessary to make the premise as ridiculous as possible but that was several levels and escalations of the worst possible choice. Like a train wreck that you cannot look away from. Cute for an improv sketch of 5 minutes but preposterous for a movie to be taken seriously.
But part of the message of the movie is that some guys (like Sandler's character) simply cannot be honest with women (which makes confirmed bachelors like myself laugh with derision). And to be fair, you wonder how much worse it will get for him before it blows up in his face.


It was a terribly short sighted idea.
Don't you think maybe Palmer would have wondered why the kids suddenly disappeared from existence after they got married.


That was my first thought, but I guess he was caught off guard which allowed them to continue in the plot.


Which is why you don't write movies.


Exactly, just tell the story of the failed marriage, say you keep it because you found it useful for when you get attention from fat or ugly or boring women, and then offer to prove you are not married by immediately introducing her to friends, parents and friending her on facebook right away. End of debate.
