MovieChat Forums > Just Go with It (2011) Discussion > The premise of this movie is utter BS......

The premise of this movie is utter BS....

A wedding band is basically the strongest form of pussy repellent. No woman openly hits on a guy that is wearing a ring especially in bar.


Adam Sandler movies are not known for the intelligent scripts.
So not really a surprise.


You mean to tell me the premise of a fictional romantic comedy is far fetched? I. Am. Floored. By. This. Information. This revelation forces me to reevulate all the other fictional films I have seen in my life.

Holy sh*t, I just realized that all the people in the films are actors and are basically just "memorizing" words written and then saying them whilst pretending to be other people! Fake and phony!!!!!!!


LOL Nice one blue, It's amazing how so many people on these boards relate movies to real life.


FFS it CAN be related to real life!!!!
