I've yet to see a character that was so horrible in a movie. The movie was bad enough, but every second of that little girl character was like nails on a chalkboard.
As far as the boy, what kind of moron writer thought "hell yeah" was a good catch phrase?
This movie had by far some of the worst writing in the history of movies.
Even the premise, ...the PREMISE, was full of plotholes. The entire movie, and every action of every character was a plothole, and made no sense whatsoever.
Has someone started a "100 things I learned from..." yet?
She was SUPPOSED to be annoying. Why don't people get this? That's the whole point, that the kids were driving Adam Sandler crazy while he carried out his charade in order to get Palmer.
I thought the little girl was funny and played her part well.
The writers intended it to be "annoying" to Sandler, and "funny", yet "cute" to the audience. It was ever so slightly humorous for about 2 seconds the FIRST time she did it. After that, it simply wasn't "funny" or "cute", it simply made the audience want to shut the movie off.
The actress did such a terrible job, that it made us all want to puke. And the director should have known better.
Paul Ke and Exetera, you guys are idiots. We REALIZE she was SUPPOSED to be annoying, we "get it". Most of the audience could not stand listening and watching her on the screen so many were forced to turn the movie off. She was TOO annoying, and her character was a major fail. She almost single handily ruined the entire movie because her annoying factor was past the threshold of being bearable.
- S you in your A's Don't wear a C and J all over your B's
Well if that's the case you probably still live at home with your mother and live in the basement without going outside for years at the time? Lemme guess...550lbs?
- S you in your A's, don't wear a C, and J all over your B's.
Your post reminds me of a guy I knew in basic training. Every time someone would ask him a question he'd respond, "cat got an a$$?" At first we thought he was finding a clever way to answer in the affirmative. Then, we became aware of his actual...intelligence level. We began to wondered if, instead of actually answering the question, he was, randomly and for no apparent reason just asking for confirmation that cats do in fact have a$$es. I have to assume you are just randomly asking if I have t-shirts that are 25 years old. Certainly you are not hinting that you are actually 25...heaven help us.
I do have one t-shirt that is 25 years old. But that wasn't the one I was thinking of. I have one or two that are 13 years old. It was those I was thinking of when I thought I probably had t-shirts older than you. I still think that's likely the case.
So by your logic that means I have mastered the English language by age six? You know since my imdb profile is 8 years old. Maybe do a tad of research before coming to conclusions, it's called critically thinking.
I have to admit my post was a tad aggressive and immature, however the posters who believed that somehow they "got" this "HILARIOUS" joke that the girl was meant to be annoying but the audience just didn't know it is ignorant.
I'm pretty sure almost everyone who watched it knew her character was intended to be annoying, however unlike her brother in the movie, she over acted her part. It was a terrible performance, one of the most unlikable characters in film that stick out in my mind. Her brother is annoying but the actor who played him still understood he could still be likable.
Actually, I have almost 40 year old T-shirts... they are called concert T's and no, I don't live with my Mom. I am 52, the mother of 18 and 14 year olds, have lived in two countries other than the US and in five States as an adult thanks to the US Navy (also responsible for the other countries). In 2013 I was able to spend a week in each of two countries on my bucket list. Yes, I am a bit heavier than I would like, but I eat what I LIKE and have always hated exercise for exercise's sake. The type of exercise I DO enjoy is playing in a pool or snorkeling in the Caribbean, hiking around Boy Scout Camp during the summer, or walking around DC or another major city seeing the sights (or sites, if you will). So, exactly HOW do you justify your childish generalizations?
Childish generalizations? I was simply replying to the posters who believed they are so much smarter than everyone else because they "get it". "It" being a basic thought of understanding to anyone watching the movie. People that come onto a message board to explain something that is so simple it doesn't need any explanation don't tend to socialize because of their beliefs in superior intelligence.
Very obese people tend to also do this to make themseelves feel better (attractive mind, fat ass). Putting those two factors together I picture the "get it ignorant" posters in that generalized image. I don't literally say I know for a fact that these people are fatties in daddies basement, getting cheeto residue all over their parent's keyboards as they type. I am simply making an educated guess.
Thank you for your service in the armed service and congratulations on creating a successful family.
It was intentional and it worked well. I also thought her acting was spot on as she is an amazing actress. The entire movie was well done. I really enjoyed this movie and found it very humorous. I would love to see a sequel or a television spin-off.
I also liked...both the kids. Often, I don't enjoy kid actors, but these two pulled it off convincingly. OF COURSE the accent was supposed to be funny. It was a little girl trying to ACT as if she knew an accent...NOT an actual Brit speaking a British accent.
Why are there so many grumpy people on IMDB ? I thought her accent was hilarious ! I looked on her IMDB profile message board and people (Trolls ! ) are so horrible about her, Shes just a little girl for gods sake ! These faceless internet trolls are weak, insecure, small minded people with no sense of humour or decency. My misses was watching this film so I just thought Id look it up on here, not my kinda film but the little girl made me laugh. People, eh ?
I agree, she was actually funny. She probably wanted the acting classes to help her do a better accent. She went full on chimney sweep with that accent. The scene where she calls Brooklyn Decked a whore was hilarious. Lighten up everybody she was like eleven when they filmed it te movie. Stop trolling her page too, it's disgraceful.
She was the funniest part of the movie. I laughed at most of her scenes and I thought the botched plastic surgeries were funny too. It was all pretty funny to me. I'd watch it again.
I agree, her character worked for me...as did the little boy. I will definitely be watching this again. After one viewing, I rate this somewhere near 50 first dates.
I agree that the girl was horrible. It was too long of a running joke that had it even been funny in the first place, it still would have lost its humor by the end of the movie.
And yet that little girl actress is most likely making more money than the OP will ever make in his lifetime. This was a comedy and her part was hilarious to 99% of the peoiple who watched it. The other 1% do not count as they are probably too dumb to get it.