Dissapeared is televised on the I.D. network where I live and I must say I can watch this network all day long. So much so these shows have encouraged me to go into law as a career. I just love how riveting and thought provoking these cases are. Some are truly stranger than fiction. Only criticism I have are constant repeats of 48 Hours Mystery and Dateline. I also am not a big fan of Cuff Me if You Can, I sort of feels it glamorizes criminals and takes a lighthearted approach to some pretty violent crimes. Anyone else slowly find themesleves addicted to this network??
Every minute is another chance to turn it all around
"Only criticism I have are constant repeats of 48 Hours Mystery and Dateline. I also am not a big fan of Cuff Me if You Can, I sort of feels it glamorizes criminals and takes a lighthearted approach to some pretty violent crimes. Anyone else slowly find themesleves addicted to this network??"
cf, i couldn't agree more. i do feel the commercials are too long though, let's get back to the show!
I got instantly addicted to DISAPPEARED & i really like this network. You know what's funny? I can't watch too many of their programs because it makes me slightly depressed (the constant exposure to the dark side of human nature - which i admit is fascinating) plus seeing too many shows that feature serial murderers is a constant reminder of how many sickos are lurking out there hunting. It makes you extra aware. I have several of their shows scheduled perennially on my DVR so i watch them after the fact so i can fast-forward thru the commercials.
Ya eagle, I definetely feel you that too much of the network can leave you slightly depressed, paranoid and a bit disheartened. At the same time, I concentrate on the stories with happy or "just" endings. it also makes me appreciate law enforcement, prosecuters, A.D.A.s,some private investigators, etc. Some of these stories reallyy make you gain your faith back in humanity. Also knowing some of the people can never hurt someone else is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel in these terrible stories.
Every minute is another chance to turn it all around
I've had the same experience with watching too much I.D. I've stopped watching any episode about a young mother or young girl being raped, killed, or mysteriously disappeared. That cuts out a lot of them -- sickening how the most innocent, beautiful, and good are the most frequent victims, of the most horrific crimes. It's just too bleak.
~~~~~~~ Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.
I love ID Network. I watch most of the shows on it, too. But I don't know how much longer I can afford to have it. Comcast has priced themselves out of the box at this point. And unfortunately ID Network is on a higher channel. So if I have to cut back, I'll lose it. So, trying to enjoy it while I can.
I do find that sometimes, I have to stop watching some of the shows for a bit because of the evil. Sometimes, it just gets to be way too much. And the stories just really get to you. Like that college student, Autry, the one that was raped and set on fire while she was still alive. One of the saddest, most horrific things ever. That one haunted me. And when you see her killer and he just doesn't care what he did to her, I don't understand how anyone can be like that. How can you just be so.....cold, unfeeling, uncaring. I don't know.
But I think it's one of the best channels out there right now. I'd rather watch ID Network than any of the regular stuff.
I love that channel and could watch it all day long. Sadly, we no longer have it due to price. It's hard to find the shows online too. Being a poor student I can't afford to buy the dvds, if they even have any. I like Disappeared. My major is forensics and my minor is law enforcement. I want to help with homicides and missing persons cases. The only thing worse than a loved one being killed is having them just disappear and never knowing what happened.
Definitely the "Premiere" show, on what is a fantastic network. I feel I have gotten pretty good at picking out the people who have voluntarily disappeared over the poor souls who were taken against their will.
The one episode that featured a young college student who was also a tennis player (I believe his name was Charlie) stands out as one of the people documented on the show who voluntarily left.
Who will ever know though?? That's why this show is the best!
LOL, I'm pretty much obsessed with this channel. I think my boyfriend thinks I'm insane because I'm always watching these true crime shows. BUt to me, they are simply fascinating.
I agree, I'm not much of a fan of Cuff Me if You Can. That's pretty much my least favorite show on the network.
You just might get lucky for once in your miserable life.
This thread had me nodding my head because I feel the same way...I am fascinated but sometimes so repelled that I have to turn it off. Last night's Wicked Attraction was truly horrifying and I could not watch the final 10/15 minutes of the show. A young family brutally murdered in their Richmond, VA home for a mere robbery...I could not bear to hear the description of their final moments and ultimate slaughter and had to change the channel. God bless those innocent babies and their parents....
I agree with everyone's comments regarding the ID channel and I am definitely an addict with a husband who is probably wondering how he can get some sort of help for me! I have not seen "Cuff me if you can" but there is another called "I almost got away with it" and they seem to have the same theme of criminals or prison escapees on the run for a time and I am not a fan! There is also a new one called "Dark Minds" with a crime writer, profiler and an incarcerated serial killer that assists them in trying to catch other serial killers. I have watched this show only twice but am unsure if I will grow to like this show or not. Seems doubtful that it will become a favorite though. The calls with the serial killer seem strange, almost like they are fake, but I could be wrong. Yesterday, starting at 10:00 am they had a marathon day of Catch me and Cuff me...which I see they are showing the last episode of that at 5:00 am today before finally moving on. I was pretty disappointed but luckily I checked Netflix and saw they had added another season to "Disappeared" so I was able to keep any withdrawals at bay...;)
sonomagirl2120, I have seen the beginning of that Wicked episode twice now and I have never been able to watch the whole episode. I have watched many true crime shows as well as read a ton of true crime books and stories, but I cannot fathom the depth of evil it took to commit this horrendous crime. They were monsters and the thought of the details of what they did to this family is unbearable. Their goal had been to rob them and their decision to viciously butcher this young couple along with their children who were probably too young to even identify them is beyond comprehension. Heartless, vile animals!
I love this network. I cannot handle the cat fighting and fake drama of the reality shows. Worse when it's people with money and yet they act like two year olds. I don't need to see that. I'd rather see people solving crimes/mysteries so the bad guys don't win.