MovieChat Forums > Disappeared (2009) Discussion > ID Screwed Up Cancelling This

ID Screwed Up Cancelling This

The show could actually make a difference. i guess it's cool they still re-run it to keep the cases alive but compared to some of their newer shows, it blows them out of the water. the ratings weren't even bad. don't get why it was cancelled.


I think its an awesome show and they should bring it back. Especially compared to a lot of the current shows


I agree - this was one of my favorite ID shows. Seems like a lot of new shows just aren't as good. I wish they'd bring it back!


I also agree "Disappeared" is so much better than some of ID's newer shows.


Same here. It's not just an interesting show, and it's not just a useful show, it's BOTH. Why on earth did they cancel it?


Nature photography on jigsaw puzzles:


This was ID's best show Imo. One of the episodes was a case from the town I live in, so everytime I drive by the place one of the scenes was shot I am reminded of Dissapeared...and then I get bummed all over again that they cancelled it! Lol
What also bugs is that they have Disapeared show specials that they air every once in a while but they are not like the original show was at all.


Just out of curiosity, what is the episode that features the town you live in?


Its on now. It was on netflix. But youre right, should have kept it on.


I love this show and they keep showing old episodes, which makes me happy!!


My dvr has been picking it up. They need to play season 7. They have it filmed, just show us.

"Have you seen or touched any monkey's?" Monty, Late Show with David Letterman


It's back on April 11.


OMG that's so soon! How exciting!
