MovieChat Forums > Disappeared (2009) Discussion > Sad Update about the McStay Family

Sad Update about the McStay Family

Very sad news to report from the LA Times.,0,5975246.story#axzz2kjqWpaKd

Thoughts and prayers to their family, friends, all who knew them, and all who worked on their case.


I just saw. So sad!

"It's not your looks that keep me here, Peg. It's mine." -Al Bundy


made it clickable...when posting a link click on the 3rd word above the body it is the word Link and it is underlined

[u rl]your link[/u rl]

looks like that just take out the spaces


This was definitely one of the more bizarre episodes of Disappeared, it's sad it had to end the way it did.


In deed it was.... so sad how it ended.... the questions of when, why, and who will remain. Can the family and investigators ever get answers?


Oh God I really hoped they would be in Mexico or somewhere else I really hoped they were still alive :-/
Very sad... Hope they find who did it soon.


Who the hell murder a family with children? The drug cartels are known for it's extreme brutality but this... I just don't know.



Yeah it is sad, not sure what people expected though..


I think I expected that they would never be found in any way.


A part of me really wanted to believe they willingly took off and went to Mexico. I hope they can solve the case and find out who murdered them though.

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


made it clickable...when posting a link click on the 3rd word above the body it is the word Link and it is underlined

[u rl]your link[/u rl]

looks like that just take out the spaces


