the first case from the first show of the season. she left the jail and didn't want to call anyone and didn't want to wait in the lobby for someone to pick her up. she knew the dangers of walking alone in l.a., why did her family received a settlement from the police dept. for releasing her alone during the night?
why are the police responsible for her murder when she made the decision to leave on her own? i don't understand that.
I didn't really understand the settlement either. In the episode they showed the family's attorney saying something like 'this wouldn't happen if she was Lindsay Lohan or Brittany Spears"; however, that is exactly what happens when celebrities (or anyone else) is released from custody, the only difference is that most people call someone for a ride home.
While it was a very sad story I really didn't see how the police did anything wrong (at least from what we saw in that episode) to warrant a settlement. It isn't their job to babysit adults who are no longer in custody.
Their claim was that Mitrice was lost because she's Black, not because she's not a celebrity. You've heard the logic before. If a Black person meets tragedy it's because of racism, not the garden-variety incompetence, misfortune, and casual abuse that hits other people (to say nothing of one's own mistakes).
~~~~~~~ Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.
I understood that the mother thought she would be held overnight. Is that wrong? Also, I didn't hear anything the mother said about her daughter being a lesbian to create tension.
because the police didn't want to be accused of racism b/c they arrested her in the first place.
If they were accused of racism, the accusers would have had to prove that claim. They wouldn't have settled if they knew they did everything right. Mitrice was mentally unstable (which they downplayed) and should not have been released without someone there to pick her up.
Had they held her overnight I'm sure the family would have tried to sue for that too, saying if she was white they'd have let her go. There are some types of people you just can't win with because they pull the racism card, and it still works. Sad.
I do often wondr if it was a cop who killed her though. I just don't know.
really sad. i think a la sheriff had a part in her death.
1) la sheriff didn't release the surveillance vids from inside for a long time...after saying at first they didn't have any. 2) they claim there are no cameras outside? find that hard to believe. and they denied having them when they weren't asked about them. 3) body dumped in a place that only cops would know it would lead to suspicion of it being a drug related death.
That's completely ridiculous. The mother called and ASKED them to keep her there overnight. They did screw up, because she was apparently showing signs of mental instability and they agreed to keep her. They told the mother that she would still be there the next day and she wasn't, I completely understand that the mother blames them for what happened.
The problem with that is the mother WAS told she was there and declined to pick her up. It wasn't up to the police to babysit HER DAUGHTER. Generally when a family member is being held at the jail you go and get them out. The cops suck but the mother was negligent. There never should have been a lawsuit.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Two sets of skeletal remains found buried in the California desert earlier this week have been identified as the parents in a family that vanished nearly four years ago, and the remaining bones are likely their two young sons, police said on Friday.
Coroner's investigators used dental records to identify the remains of Joseph McStay, 40, and his wife Summer, 43, who were reported missing from the San Diego area in February 2010 along with their two children, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said.
Autopsies were still under way to formally identify what are thought to be the remains of Gianni McStay, 4, and his 3-year-old brother, Joseph, the sheriff's department said.
The coroner's office has classified all four deaths as homicides, San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said, adding that the cause of death would not be released during the ongoing investigation.
"Every available resource will be utilized in this investigation to identify the suspects involved in this heinous crime and bring them to justice," McMahon said.
San Bernardino County sheriff's deputies were dispatched to a remote desert area on the outskirts of Victorville, about 70 miles northeast of Los Angeles, on Monday after a off-road motorcyclist reported finding what he thought were human bones.
An excavation by authorities, assisted by a forensic anthropologist, turned up four sets of skeletal remains buried in two shallow graves.
The McStay family was last seen at their home in the San Diego suburb of Fallbrook on February 4, 2010. Their car had been left in a parking lot just blocks from the California border with Mexico.
The San Diego Union Tribune newspaper reported that a search of the family's computer turned up evidence that they were planning to travel to Mexico, with Summer purchasing Spanish-language software and someone looking up passport requirements for children traveling there.
Police have also released a grainy videotape that they said appeared to show the family crossing the border. The case was transferred to the FBI earlier this year.
"It's not really the outcome we were looking for but it gives us courage to know that they are together and they are in a better place," Joseph McStay's brother, Mike, told reporters at a tearful press conference following the identification of the remains.
The police were negligent but the mother knew more about her condition. The daughter was also her flesh and blood. Ultimately she is more to blame than the police.
What are your theories for what ultimately happened to Mitrice? Did she wander off in some kind of unstable mental haze and succumb to the elements, drug use or was she physically harmed by somebody which could explain why her clothes weren't found on her body?
Mitrice Richardson's family has filed several lawsuits against the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for releasing her from jail even though she was experiencing severe bipolar disorder at the time. In 2014 her parents, who had sued separately, were awarded $450,000 each.
They have also asked the California Attorney General's office to review the sheriff's office's handling of the case. In November 2015 after reviewing 500 pages of documents sent with the request, Attorney General Kamala Harris replied that her office had not found any grounds for criminal charges against the sheriff or his deputies, or even that they had mishandled the complaint. Three months later, however, Harris's office changed its mind and announced it was beginning a criminal investigation over the case.