
I love this show, but it is super frustrating that none of these people recognize mental illness. Pretty sure Brian H. Was having some kind of manic or psychotic episode. Could have also been a brain injury. Don't just chit chat with the naked guy! Try to get him some help.


I totally agree. It's ridiculous that the police just talked to them for like an hour and let them go on their way. There should be a resident therapist at a police station to ascertain if somebody is acting weird. People are way too open-minded when it could cost somebody their life. Bring them in for an hour and get them checked out!


It's not always easy to figure out what illness someone is suffering with. A relative of mine ran off and the police would find her in off situations but they would talk to her and she could answer basic questions and she would get to leave. I don't think it should be easy to put some one away for a mental Health check but I see how frustrating it is to watch the police leave a young man out in a field with no way to get in his car.


Im frustrated that nudity and picking up other people's trash should be considered a sure sign of mental illness. Why are the *beep* that litter not considered mentally ill? It's my opinion our entire society is mentally ill and this kid actually seemed like he had a clue. Good for you brian, im sorry your life was cut short.


I was being flippant about the nudity. Nudity and picking up litter are not sure signs of mental illness, but staying up for days at a time to clean and behaving in such out of character ways are signs. People that litter are just idiots. So sad that his life was cut short. He seemed like an amazing young man.

