Brian Barton
Musician Brian Barton who disappeared in Seattle - it sounded like he was planning on taking his own life although in several of these cases that seem like suicide it's hard to believe that when a body never turns up. Do people commit suicide and never get found? It seems like they would have to go into a deep area that no one ever visits and just perishes or is eaten by wildlife, etc.
He seemed like he had a very loving close family, but his troubles in current life with his girlfriend and band members, or maybe issues being adopted, seemed to take their toll on him. I don't think anyone mentioned him being a depressed person, how can someone so bright and seemingly well loved take their own life. But then there was that part where his girlfriend said he had a dream where an angel or something appeared before him to help fight the battle of good/evil and he would have to die in order to do so. That makes me question his mental state as well?