MovieChat Forums > Disappeared (2009) Discussion > ROAD to NOWHERE producers should go back...

ROAD to NOWHERE producers should go back to film school.

It was a fascinating story but the producing was an amateur affair.
To Wit:

Part of the story includes a burnt body believed to be Bryce and then its revealed to be someone else referred to as an LA Murder victim. HELLO! Not even a little bit of back story on how someone was murdered and came to be in a burning heap way out by this lake?

Not prodding the parents during their interviews on why the hell they didn't get in car on the MULTIPLE occasions when Bryce was immobile and clearly in some sort of mental distress and head on up to the rest stop/gas station to meet him.

Never asking the police investigator why NINE days are allowed to pass before sending out the bloodhounds that apparently tracked him across and dam and beyond.

Any producer with a lick up skill would have addressed these red flags in the story.



maybe they could have put some words on the screen at the end for the identity of the burned people could look into if if they wanted to, but not take away from the main story


Yes, at least that...I'm sorry but it may not have been the main story but when you interject a BURNING BODY into a deserves a little more than being glossed over. After all murder victims set on fire isn't just some random thing that happens every day.



I also agree that it's very strange the parents just sat around by the phone while their son was just 3 hours away. One could've stayed home and the other driven there.

Also weird that they waited 2 years to finish off the initial search of the lake.

I thought bloodhounds only can catch a scent for 2-3 days tops, so it's good there was still a scent after 9 days, but that is also way too long to wait.

He either is in the lake, in the mud or he hitchhiked with a psycho trucker. And that burnt body coincidence is creepy. Note to self: don't live in California.


Thanks for the link MYOPINIONOK.



I think he most likely committed suicide after having a Drug induced mental break. Maybe he wasn't doing well in College and didn't want to tell his Parents. he was drinking a ton and using ADHD Drugs and giving away possessions. Not good signs.

His Parents I feel were in denial. Drinking heavily and using medication similar to Meth is not typical teenage behavior. His body is just somewhere and hasn't been found yet.

It astonishes me how in denial many people on the show are. The truth hurts but to blatantly deny there loved one may have had a drinking, drug, mental health issues? It's nothing to be ashamed of if they had issues.
