Brittanee Drexel

This episode was about the teen from New York that came down to Myrtle Beach against her parents wishes. She has been missing since April 25th, 2009.

As a resident of Myrtle Beach, I would see her missing person billboard every night on my way home from work.

As of Wednesday, the FBI held a press conference and announced to the public that they have reason to believe that Brittanee had been murdered shortly after her disappearance. Officials have not come forward with any new information or what exactly lead them to coming to this conclusion. As far as I know, a body has not been found. The most that was said was that they believed she had been held against her will in McClellanville, South Carolina (a suburb of Charleston) and killed shortly after.

My thoughts are with her family during this difficult time.


I moved to Myrtle Beach in 2012 but have been coming down here since the late 90's. I think the F.B.I. must have something important to be able to say that. Maybe her missing Cellphone and Purse? I hope they get whoever is responsible. I feel bad for the parents.

~Keep on Trucking!~


If I remember correctly, (it's been seven years) I think they found her purse and cellphone or maybe it was her sunglasses and cellphone in a swamp in Georgetown, pretty early on in the investigation.


The Sunglasses were a false lead. Nothing on them traced back to Britanee. Her Phone and Purse were never found.

As another poster pointed out below I find it telling that they pretty much confirmed her being held for days (not in Georgetown or Myrtle Beach where her Cell last pinged) and knew she was dead. With no body they must be holding back something big to drop that bombshell. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

~Keep on Trucking!~


I wonder what they found. It seems odd that they can basically say she was murdered without having found a body. Although, I suspected that was the case ever since she first went missing. I'm thinking it was probably a sexually motivated crime of opportunity, but who knows. I hope they find her soon so that her family can get some kind of closure.


The whole thing seemed VERY suspicious to me. First of all, they claimed they knew she had been held against her will in McClellanville for days after her disappearance, and that credible eyewitnesses saw her. But they never mentioned that before last week. The only cities that were ever mentioned for an entire seven years, were Myrtle Beach, where she went missing from, and Georgetown, where her cell was last pinged by a cell tower. Now suddenly they know without a doubt that she was in a completely different city and chose to withhold that information.

Further upsetting, is that they claimed that for years they've suspected she was dead, but didn't tell the family because "they just had so much hope and we didn't want to crush that." How dare they. Yes, telling a mother that their baby girl, whom they brought into this world, is most likely murdered, is a blow no woman should ever have to face. But to lie about it? To let the family still hold onto hope, still do searches, still put up signs. That to me is just so beyond cruel.

im sad for your family

My favorite color is purple

Aria and Hannah are my favorite prt!!

im sad for your family

made your link on the 3rd word up top which is the word Link underlined

click on it and copy then paste your link in between the 2 sets of brackets!

saw the new article and came over here...very sad


Her Mother moved down here and helped out at the local CUE. They helped organize searches for missing people. What a strong lady.
