Is there a reason
They are making season 7 half the length of past seasons, but airing 8 in January?
shareThey are making season 7 half the length of past seasons, but airing 8 in January?
shareby i-dodge (Sat Dec 3 2016 20:22:48)Is there a reason they are making season 7 half the length of past seasons, but airing 8 in January?
What makes you think Season Seven is going to be half the length of past seasons, at this time in seasons three through six FOX had aired around the same amount of episodes. Has FOX announced they're airing fewer episodes this season, also how do you know they're airing Season Eight in January 2018? or are you thinking Season Eight is starting next month?
I read it as he meant they're airing 8 episodes in January.
shareby first_rule_of_fightclub (Mon Dec 5 2016 12:50:15) I read it as he meant they're airing 8 episodes in January.
I suppose that's possible... they might have meant ''by airing 8 in January'' instead of ''but'', but that still doesn't make sense.
It's implying FOX isn't airing any more episodes from February through May & there's no evidence [that I can find anyway] to suggest that's what they're planning.
There is a midseason show starting in 2017 called Making History but it's evidently airing at 8:30 so it wouldn't affect Bob's schedule, plus if they aired 2 episodes a Sunday in January that would make 15 episodes which isn't ''half the length of past seasons''.
Perhaps i-dodge will return to verify what they were asking.