Large Brother Where Fart Though One Plot Oversight After Another!
First, what the hell is Teddy doing there anyway? Did they really need to talk to hiim to establish that it's tax time? No. Just show Linda and Bob running around the house/restaurant with envelopes scrambling to get ready to meet Gerald and that's that----edit out the conversation with Teddy. Not needed.
1. Bob is not against drugs by any shape of the imagination; he has partaken in recreational drug use many times in many episodes....the man said "I may or may not have smoked crack, but if I did, I liked it" in the first season for crying out loud! So why was he reluctant, scared---asking Linda to stop eating the cookies---I don't get it.
2. Louise is not afraid of Logan! She never has been, not once! Not even the first time they met in earsy riders! She stood up to him before, and in the episode late garden of Bob and Louise, she had no qualms about putting him in his place---she took no prisoner and was never afraid to confront him, even going as far as giving Bob an ultimatum ---him or me, in which Bob chose Logan.
The fact that she was running scared, crying, afraid of Logan made no sense whatsoever after all she'd been through already.
3. If the moldy melon hit someone we never met before on Bob's burgers or one of the two friends skateboarding with Logan, then her fear may be real.....
4. Tina, why didn't she just change seats when that guy sat down in her view of the boy she was wanting to look at?
Non episode, overall, waste of my time.