MovieChat Forums > Bob's Burgers (2011) Discussion > Large Brother Where Fart Though One Plot...

Large Brother Where Fart Though One Plot Oversight After Another!

First, what the hell is Teddy doing there anyway? Did they really need to talk to hiim to establish that it's tax time? No. Just show Linda and Bob running around the house/restaurant with envelopes scrambling to get ready to meet Gerald and that's that----edit out the conversation with Teddy. Not needed.

1. Bob is not against drugs by any shape of the imagination; he has partaken in recreational drug use many times in many episodes....the man said "I may or may not have smoked crack, but if I did, I liked it" in the first season for crying out loud! So why was he reluctant, scared---asking Linda to stop eating the cookies---I don't get it.

2. Louise is not afraid of Logan! She never has been, not once! Not even the first time they met in earsy riders! She stood up to him before, and in the episode late garden of Bob and Louise, she had no qualms about putting him in his place---she took no prisoner and was never afraid to confront him, even going as far as giving Bob an ultimatum ---him or me, in which Bob chose Logan.
The fact that she was running scared, crying, afraid of Logan made no sense whatsoever after all she'd been through already.

3. If the moldy melon hit someone we never met before on Bob's burgers or one of the two friends skateboarding with Logan, then her fear may be real.....

4. Tina, why didn't she just change seats when that guy sat down in her view of the boy she was wanting to look at?

Non episode, overall, waste of my time.


Yeah, I kinda feel like the episode was pretty weak, and that the characters was written well outside of their established norms. Any hint of Louise being afraid of Logan...LOGAN of all people is so far out of left field. I mean, they spent an entire episode last season trying to make Louise afraid, and it took this whole elaborate set up at Mort's mothers house to do it....and now they're saying she's afraid of the dude that stole her hat? The same dude she gets off on tormenting (having done so on more than ONE occasion). I get that they wanted to throw Gene a bone here, but come on! To do it by basically rewriting another character's personality is cheap. Frankly Louise's reaction to almost hitting Logan with the rotten fruit was bad enough. She should've been pissed she missed!

I've noticed all season Louise seems a Like the writers have almost given up on her for some reason. One little thing I've noticed, and this is more of an animation thing really, is that she doesn't have that impish smile perpetually affixed to her face that she normally does. Watch earlier episodes and you see that she and Gene are almost smiling, like regardless of the situation they're in they find humor in it. That and she's lost quite a bit of that wily edge of hers. She's a little too mellow this season and that's not the Louise I like.

--I'm gonna drink some Bailey's and unwind.--


I don't think the episode is weak, I think it's well written:

Bob knows that they must've their taxes done and that they must go back to their kids, so drugs don't help.
Louise wasn't afraid of Logan before but she's afraid now because she may doesn't know what to do. She's almost alone, no parents or bikers around, she's smart but doesn't know everything. That's why she cries. It shows a softer side of Louise and a braver side of Gene, the hugging at the end is really sweet.
And Tina is just Tina.

I think it's the best season seven episode so far.


Did you watch the same episode Mug and I watched? Anyway, Louise has shown she's more than capable of holding her own next to Logan and his mother Cynthia. She's shown that many times---especially when Bob has shown he couldn't hold his own with Cynthia and Logan.....that was a major inconsistency.

Bob has never once been afraid to get high, anti drug or unable to tell if he was high or not due to hypochondria, like in season one when he smoked crack disregarding his health and family health---["What if he overdosed? Uh-oh---you know, crack is one of those street drugs that can kill you first time just FYI"] remember when he was supposed to be babysitting all three of his kids at Family Fun Time---but he got high and ended up chasing Tyler all the way to a sailing club instead?
What was Teddy doing anyway? His part didn't affect the episode at all and could easily have been substituted with Linda and Bob running around getting their taxes organized at the last minute before meeting Gerald.

Meanwhile---the biggest inconsistency is drugs in this episode. That bothered me slightly more than Louise VS Logan.


In Ear-say Rider Louise wasn't able to get her bunny ears back by herself, she needed the biker gang to get them. In Mother Daughter Laser Razor she just hit him and in Late Afternoon she threw spit balls at him and later convinced Bob to let her fire him. Here, the biker gang isn't available and hitting him or throwing spit balls would only made Logan angrier. So she's in a completely new situation, that's why she's afraid of him this time.

It's not clear if Bob really took crack, he wasn't happy when the transvestite mentioned that they were going to smoke it. When he in fact got high, it was from painkillers and I don't think that he took them to get high.


Well, in Burger Boss he did say, "Now to take my awesome pills" before he took them and Daryl told him that video games and drugs don't mix.
Plus, he embraced things like "Am I glowing? I feel like I'm glowing." and the burger boss looking at him and talking to him, encouraging him----so yes. Started off as pain relief then ended as rec drug use.



Not so much of a waste of your time that you couldn't make a lengthy list of nitpicks that annoyed you though.
Louise is still a 9 year-old kid, the episode made it very clear she thinks she's supposed to be the reliable and strong one and she overrode Gene constantly and berated Logan instead of apologizing to him at first. When confronted with the threat of a teenager trying to physically enact revenge on her while she's got no adult backup (and again ignoring the idea that Gene would ever protect her), the reality of the situation dawned on her and she panicked. Just because she's been cocky and went toe to toe with Logan in situations where she wasn't in the wrong doesn't make the idea that this should be scary for a little kid any less meaningful.
The show never did a proper Gene and Louise pairing before - it's fascinating just for that alone and the heartfelt moment they have at the end.


Doesn't change the fact that it was still a non episode!

Not re-watchable

Not interesting

Not entertaining

And full of plot holes!

Just spare me the whole "Louise is a nine year old kid" bunk all right? She is usually the bravest, riskiest, and most adventurous outgrageous schemer, and would never ever be afraid of Logan, she even stood up to Logan before without adults nearby twice when he didn't want them crossing through the high school parking lot and the second time, he stole her ears out from under her.
Gene likes to pretend he's a sister not a brother and never once paid attention or embraced the big brother roll, till the end of this episode and it felt rushed at that. Louise is not scared of teenagers especially Logan, and Bob is not afraid of drugs, he has used them before!


Ah, well if it's a non-subjective fact, then there's no point in noting that Louise was never in the position of doing something to Logan unintentionally, and where she knew she was in the wrong and he had a legitimate reason to go after her. You can't equate accidentally attacking him with a melon with her first ever encounter with him that was all hubris and trying to make a statement.
There'd also be no point in recalling moments like when she admitted to being afraid of the dentist either, I suppose.
Gene embracing being a big brother was the entire point of the episode - it's not his normal role and that's both pointed out and expanded upon with a situation which forced it to the surface. It's character development designed to create depth, not an inconsistency.
As for Bob, comparing his strung-out half-awake, drunk and delirious ramblings with the transvestites with being afraid of doing drugs with his accountant who he needs to be sober and in front of his kids is not a fair analogy either. This is the guy who would almost changed his shoes because Tina didn't like them and actually thought getting the flu shot was a brave thing to do.


Tina did not switch seats in order to see the boy she wanted to see because she was in detention and if memory serves, they don't let you do whatever you want in detention. And, yes, I know Mr. Frond is a pushover but he reprimanded Tina a few times in the episode so he was paying attention( a little bit).
As for the Louise thing I think that the "she's a 9 year old" argument holds water. She reads to and sleeps with her toys. She knows when she's gone too far in several episodes and defers to her elder ( usually Linda or Tina). I may be wrong but I think she teared up a bit when Gene and Bob were bonding over a spaghetti western and subsequently broke up the burn unit which left Louise out.
All that aside, it's a cartoon tv show so it doesn't really have to always answer our questions?


Teddy is a popular character, and one of the main characters, who hangs out with them a lot.
This was a situation Bob wasn't aware or given a choice to take drugs, it had happened out of nowhere in the cookies and he needed to get their taxes done and drive back home to take care of their children. There is the possibility the weed just made him paranoid. If someone suddenly told you "oops that thing I just gave you has drugs in it" I'm guessing you wouldn't be that chill with it immediately.
Louise is growing in the show, there's character development occurring first of all. Second of all there are no parents or adults around to make sure she doesn't get hurt. It's her and her slightly older brother alone in a house by themselves without an older sitter, or protection of any kind. Of course she would be at the very least worried what he would do. Especially once someone much older and stronger threatened to physically punish them.
Tina is Tina. And as someone else has said, Mr. Frond likely wouldn't have allowed her to sit next to him. For someone as nervous and shy as Tina who barely can even summon the courage to look at this boy, there's no way she would make as bold a move as to sit next to him.
And finally, it's a cartoon show. It's not meant to be dissected every single episode. Dissecting episodes while fun for some people kind of takes the joy out of the show. You're kind of meant to just watch it as it goes and enjoy it as the plot plays out. Once you start looking at every minute detail that could be a continuity error or this or that it's not fun anymore.


That scene with Louis and Gene was the most realistic,heartfelt I've ever seen. Louise is 9 but she still has a lot to learn in the world and she needs to grow. There was no way she could have fought Logan and win. I'm glad Gene defended her. That is what being a family is about.


God, this is one reason I hate IMDB message boards...

filled with nit-picking one-sided views that don't look at the overall picture.

AVClub comments are much more mature and full of wisdom.
