MovieChat Forums > Bob's Burgers (2011) Discussion > What would make for a good non-restauran...

What would make for a good non-restaurant plot or storyline?

Can we please have a few more episodes that don't take place at Bob's Burgers? Can they go somewhere else for an entire episode please---don't include any Teddy at all, and please make it a two parter!


Good idea! Maybe Linda join the PTA at school and then tries to run for PTA president?

Or maybe Linda gets involved with the drama department at the school and takes over?


They did a "Goonies"-like episode (Yhe Belchies), how 'bout a Stand By me-like ep where the kids, prodded along by Louise, go on a quest to find a dead body?


They already did a Stand by Me-like eps where the kisses kids go on a quest to find a goat with two buts. It's stand by Gene, season six.
