The upside-down cross

The crosses are upside-down, that's a satanic symbol, explains the young priest knowledgeably. Right, I guess that's why the Pope has one on the back of the papal throne. Maybe nobody told the priest that the upside-down cross is the symbol of St Peter and the Papacy itself. St Peter asked to be crucified upside-down when he was executed, saying that he was unworthy to be crucified in the same position as Jesus. Ever since then the upside-down cross has been the sacred symbol of St Peter's successors, the Popes.

The movie sucks too.


I know! ain't knowing history great?

"I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong."


I didn't realize that about Saint Peter! I did find it odd that everyone was exclaiming about the "upside down" crosses on the mother's arms when they were only upside down when seen from her perspective. So is it less heretical if they're upside down when seen from the general public's perspective? What a freakin' crock. They're going to be upside down to SOMEBODY!

This movie was so terrible that when I had to leave after 20 minutes due to the poor camera work (overall, the WORST shaky cam I have ever seen - I almost threw up), I never bothered to look up the ending. I still don't know or care what happened. Great movies like Scott Pilgrim vs the World come out and make squat at the box office, but crap like this is number one. Gawd.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


The upside-down cross thing has been used in many exorcism films before this, ust "Exorcism: The Beginning" springs to muind. I assumed it was associated with the devil.


I think "Rosemary's Baby" was the first film that used it so I guess we should blame Polansky for the whole upside down cross nonsense.

Screenwriters really need to do some actual research for once.


The original Amityville used it as well. I can't remember now which one of those two came out first (out of Amityville and Rosemarys baby). Guess the OP should go point it out on those boards too lol

"Okay, you have some skill." - The Merovingian


I recall that in the original Amityville Horror as well. The silver crucifix on the wall of the house ended up black and upside down after a while.

Rosemary's Baby came out in 1968 and The Amityville Horror came out in 1979.


It's not just St. Peter, especially when the occurrence is found around a "possession" type situation. Satanists have drawn the cross upside-down for centuries in everything from rituals to personal body modifications because of the simple theory that the cross in "opposite" position represents the opposite of the Holy Spirit. Pentagrams are not the only thing they use to symbolize their worship of Satan, nevermind demons.

Look at how happy you are, so carefree. It's almost as if you don't know you're Billy Bush!-Triumph


Koolaid, you say the upside-down cross "has been used for centuries" as a demonic symbol, but I need more evidence on this. Otherwise, I have to believe that people only THINK this has long been a symbol of the antichrist, because movies teach us so. Thanks to the OP--I couldn't quite remember the story behind where the upside-down cross came from.

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"--Pres. Merkin Muffley


That's true. Doesn't mean it's not also associated with satanic groups.

As in "It has also often become associated with Satanic and anti-religious attitudes, as it is used to represent the opposite of Christianity by inverting its primary symbol, the Latin Cross."

"You and me are goin' on a car-ride to hell... and you're riding shotgun! "
