MovieChat Forums > The Devil Inside (2012) Discussion > Possessions equals body contortions

Possessions equals body contortions

Not a fan of this movie, and I can't say I've really been disturbed by any movie focused on possessions/exorcisms, not since The Exorcist. But after watching this movie, it feels like a lot of these possession movies are about how many different ways can they contort the body? lol. I just get that sense about it since we tend to see a possession movie every year.
Is there a contortion we haven't seen? How much do they affect you?
Me, I'm not bothered by odd body contortions, but I've yet to see one that really startles me the way the infamous "spider-walk" did.


The "spider-walk" wasn't even IN The Exorcist until years after its release. I'm just glad this movie didn't resort to puking gags and used profanity to creepy extents, which is more than I can say for The Exorcist in either case, even though I also enjoy that film.


I thought the contorting girl in the basement was very effective and it was one of the top highlights of the film. I'm not a huge fan of this film either, but I did think it was pretty decent. Obviously, The Exorcist is far superior. I own the entire collection and love them all except for part 2 (The Heretic). I do agree that we see a lot of contortion in exorcism movies. Some are effective. Others are not. I wouldn't say that any of them "startle" me, but some are quite freaky.

Oh, and one of the best possession movies of all-time will be hitting theaters soon (April) as a remake...Evil Dead.

"In the darkness, everything is clearer than daylight."


Yeah. The second time around, when Isabella went into


her contortions in the hospital, I was thinking "The devil is a gymnast? Guess the possessed could always get a job with Cirque du Soleil if they needed cash..."


SOILERS! I almost soiled myself reading your spelling mistake... Was that on pourpose by any chance? Good one!

Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
