MovieChat Forums > The Devil Inside (2012) Discussion > Dont be put off by low rating..

Dont be put off by low rating..

Ok it's no "Exorcist" but it aint as bad as people make out... Its better than Apartment 143 and that got a higher score on here..

I would argue that around half of who voted '1' haven't even seen the film and are Exorcist fans who hate anything that covers this genre, as they believe that there is only one film that should rule....


Actually I wouldn't be surprised if half the '1' votes are from people who haven't even seen the movie, but jump at the chance to heap brutal scathing on a film that a large enough number of people trash. Kind of like when people used to submit negative votes for Uwe Boll movies before they even finished shooting the actual movie (before imdb started cracking down on this kind of thing). Of course that's probably not a good example considering how Uwe Boll may be the only filmmaker in history, aside from maybe Gus Van Sant and Greg Araki, who warrents that kind of prejudice.

But I digress.

I think a lot of these people pretty much have an entirely neutral/indifferent reaction to most films they see. Whether or not they claim a negative or positive opinion depends on what seems to be the majority opinion. Hence perfectly decent films like The Devil Inside are trashed and reviled, while astoundingly mediocre junk food like The Dark Knight takes everyone's load.

I can understand if The Devil Inside isn't someone's cup of tea, but to call it the worst film ever made is nothing short of hyper-hyperbole. I mean, maybe if you only watch one film every three years then yeah, it might be the worst out of that small handful...



The devil inside is a perfectly decent movie while the dark knight is astoundingly mediocre junk food.

Aaahaaa ha!!


You said it.


I know, right? Truly the insane ramblings of a mental case.


i can really relate to that. Simple,very useful.


Hence perfectly decent films like The Devil Inside are trashed and reviled, while astoundingly mediocre junk food like The Dark Knight takes everyone's load.

Yeah, you just made a great point. Your taste differs greatly from a lot of other people's. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it explains why you like this movie whereas...most others do not.

And no, it is not the most horrible movie ever made. There are far worse movies, and will be worse movies in the future. EVERY movie I've ever seen comments on always gets at least a handful of people claiming that it's the "worst movie" they have ever seen, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to comments like that.


Can you imagine how the mainstream audiences who trashed The Devil Inside would react to something like Jeanne Dielman or Uncle Boonmee, which are considered masterpieces by the cultural elite? They'd burn down the theatre and stone the projectionist to death. But does that make the film truly bad? That is the mystery...


While mass votes of 1's and 10's by trolls and/or fanboys is a fundamental issue on a lot of pages here on IMDB, I truly cannot think that is the case here. Sure, I'm willing to bet there are 1's from people who hadn't seen the film. But not enough to off-set the balance this much.

The fact of the matter is, many, many people saw this film. And many, many people were sorely, angrily disappointed and felt betrayed.

Even if the rest of the film had been amazing (which it wasn't, nor was it awful), the ending alone is worth the 1 out of 10 score many are condemning this film with. I'm sorry, but I have not seen such a ruthless, mean-spirited, greedy ending like this in any other film in recent memory.

The fact of the matter is, the film ended abruptly with a rug-pulled-out-from-under-you moment, which was very sudden and contrived and made everything before it fundamentally pointless (sure, many films have similar endings, but only after they've had proper climaxes), and then actually spat in our faces by blatantly telling us "Hey! You wasted your money because you could have just gone onto this free website the entire time!" They didn't even end the film, the "stopped" it to reveal it was all just a big commercial for a viral-marketing website. Really think about how dreadful that is. Imagine if The Silent of the Lambs ended abruptly after Hannibal was put into his cell at the Tennessee Courthouse and we were told "Go to YouTube to see the rest, lol!" Or if Pan's Labyrinth just stopped in the middle of the Pale Man sequence and told you to go to Wikipedia to read about the rest of the story. You'd be so angry. And rightfully so. It's the same thing here.

It is cruel to the audience. It is condescending to the audience. It is greedy to the audience. It is cold to the audience. And not in a good, thematic way. In a dubious way that tells us to our faces "We are laughing all the way to the bank, because we didn't even bother to finish the film you paid your hard-earned money to see!"

This film deserves all of the 1's it gets.

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


You sound like this youtube blogger I watch from time to time lol.. I checked this film out in theaters, and I can honestly say.. It's one of the worst movies I've ever watched.. If you can even call it a movie..


I didn't like the movie. I gave it a 3. But it had it's moments. I may feel different though had I not known already the ending was going to suck. I also only spent a dollar to watch this. I would understand people being angry had they spent their Friday night and their 10 bucks or whatever to go see it..... just to feel like they were cheated by that ending. They had to know the ending wasn't good but forced it through anyways for financial reasons. You can't really feel bad for them because of that.

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I didn't like the movie. I gave it a 3. But it had it's moments. I may feel different though had I not known already the ending was going to suck. I also only spent a dollar to watch this. I would understand people being angry had they spent their Friday night and their 10 bucks or whatever to go see it..... just to feel like they were cheated by that ending.
Well said and 10000% agree. I gave it a point below yours...would've given a 3, but that ENDING....OMG! I couldn't believe it! Luckily I only used a Redbox code making it FREE to watch (wasted Redbox code?)

Not sure you can blame the filmmakers "running out of money" for that s__t excuse of an "ending"...a REAL filmmaker finds a way! Just look at the film Insidious with its 1.5 million budget!!! You can't tell me throwing an extra half a mill at THESE filmmakers would've made a better movie! I seriously doubt it!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


It's *beep* because they tried and failed to convince me that this movie was in any way real, even though thats the point of these stupid found footage movies. The end credits "for more information on the Rossi care please visit" Hey now lets show you what all the actors names were and who wrote and directed this movie.

As a movie it was ok at best, as what it was trying to be, it was a massive failure


It began as a promising movie, but I felt it unwinding as the end was drawing nearer and nearer. Unfortunately, the ending was worse than I could have imagined. I will admit, come the last couple minutes I could see it coming (really hoped they wouldn't go that direction), but they went with it. The only positive thing was it was the end, so walking out had no meaning.

Officer, I saw the driver who hit me. His name was Johnny Walker





I saw it, and I rated it 1!


You right. It's not that awful. I gave it two stars rather than one. And yes I did see it.


Re: Dont be put off by low rating? I agree! I'm not into horror films much at all, but this was professionally done and did indeed have a few scary moments in it, and i'm usually never scared when i watch one of these sort of movies, which is probably one of my main reasons for not usually watching stuff like this in the first place. Plus i saw it on Blu-ray, which makes it a lot easier to see people "act," if you know what i mean. You can see every freakin' detail in their faces, and sometimes that can make or break a movie.

All in all i thought it was pretty good, especially how twisted up the one girl in the basement was! fap fap fap. It was awesome.

Grade: B-.


The Devil Inside is a bad movie. Mostly all exorcism movies name the demons. You can't perform a successful exorcism without identifying the demon.

I disagree that people who dislike this genre rated it a "1". The movie ending is also very bad. It is the main reason the movie tanked after the first weekend. The special effects in the Maria Rossi exorcism were poor quality. The movie depends on another website to bend the truth, suggesting this movie is based on real events (i.e. fake newspaper clippings of a murder that never happened).

Good exorcism movies deserve high scores. In my honest opinion, The Devil Inside is a mess. It deserves the low scores.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Rite, Exorcist: The Beginning, The Exorcist, and The Last Exorcism are all good exorcsim movies. The Possession is going to make noise next month. We know good exorcsim movies because we run the same exact website.


To AstralWriter, you thought "Exrcist: The Beginning" was a good movie? - horror's last colonial outpost.
