While mass votes of 1's and 10's by trolls and/or fanboys is a fundamental issue on a lot of pages here on IMDB, I truly cannot think that is the case here. Sure, I'm willing to bet there are 1's from people who hadn't seen the film. But not enough to off-set the balance this much.
The fact of the matter is, many, many people saw this film. And many, many people were sorely, angrily disappointed and felt betrayed.
Even if the rest of the film had been amazing (which it wasn't, nor was it awful), the ending alone is worth the 1 out of 10 score many are condemning this film with. I'm sorry, but I have not seen such a ruthless, mean-spirited, greedy ending like this in any other film in recent memory.
The fact of the matter is, the film ended abruptly with a rug-pulled-out-from-under-you moment, which was very sudden and contrived and made everything before it fundamentally pointless (sure, many films have similar endings, but only after they've had proper climaxes), and then actually spat in our faces by blatantly telling us "Hey! You wasted your money because you could have just gone onto this free website the entire time!" They didn't even end the film, the "stopped" it to reveal it was all just a big commercial for a viral-marketing website. Really think about how dreadful that is. Imagine if The Silent of the Lambs ended abruptly after Hannibal was put into his cell at the Tennessee Courthouse and we were told "Go to YouTube to see the rest, lol!" Or if Pan's Labyrinth just stopped in the middle of the Pale Man sequence and told you to go to Wikipedia to read about the rest of the story. You'd be so angry. And rightfully so. It's the same thing here.
It is cruel to the audience. It is condescending to the audience. It is greedy to the audience. It is cold to the audience. And not in a good, thematic way. In a dubious way that tells us to our faces "We are laughing all the way to the bank, because we didn't even bother to finish the film you paid your hard-earned money to see!"
This film deserves all of the 1's it gets.
And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?