think i got it?
let me start by saying that the acting was very-very good.
i'm not sure if i understood the movie, but i think i got a fair good part of it.
freddie quell was insane, i think we have enough information to say that he didn't went insane because of the war, he was insane since he was born probably.
lancaster dodd, was a wise man, that believed we could see our spirit, making a big story short: see our past lives with some therapy or whatever you may call it, in general he thought freddie quell problems came from a past lives, so he decided to help freddie and contradict those who attacked him because of the "facts" he thought he had.
the ending was in my opinion, the giving of the impression lancaster dodd used freddie and now discarded him, left him because he was now good in life and he didn't need a toy to improve/prove to the audience his beliefs were actually right, now he had a institution where he could perform that "therapy" to a lot more persons.
also, i think we can conclude that he didn't want freddie anymore because freddie was a living prof that comprove that lancaster dodd scholar life work didn't actually solve his problem.
what did i miss, what did i not understand? this might be a movie like 'there will be blood' that according to various amount of cinematographic experts, like tarantino, you need to watch two times in order to see the little details and understand the movie.
i'm not sure if i like this movie, i can say i like the acting - a lot.