anti-intellectual ?
this film has many layers, in addition to all the cult stuff, I'd like to suggest that there is a strong anti-intellectual message in this film.
Dodd is obviously a man of much learning, he has taken years to perfect his theories. the message he teaches is complex, the process long and complicated etc.
Quell however is already completely 'free' - true he may he insane, or a simpleton, or deeply damaged - whatever. the fact is that he has already - and effortlessly - reached a stage - one of freedom - which Dodd and all his learning can only approach. And even for Dodd himself this state is reached only imperfectly (his domineering wife etc), and he still has his addictions (drink, power over others etc).
Dodd is angry when he delivers his final 'Slow boat to China' speech because Quell is already there and worse , he is too stupid to even realise it - which drives Dodd even to jealousy.
hence the anti-intellectual stance oof the movie in my view :