MovieChat Forums > Boy (2010) Discussion > In New Zealand do they have the same law...

In New Zealand do they have the same law as in the USA that if you have over half a bill you can still redeem it fully?

I don't know if all western countries have this or if its based soly on the countries laws
but in the united states if you have a ripped bill and the bill is OVER 50% and it has the serial number (or you can somehow attach it so the treasury knows it for that bill) then that bill can still be redeemed for its note currency value. There have been weird cases where people have had heavily ripped bills and they were still able to use them. (you can google search them). You may have to actually turn them in to the treasury if no retailer or bank wants them but you will ultimately get new replacement bills (and treasury will ultimately destroy them). Its so currency stays in circulation and destroyed currency is replaced with new currency with new notes (same denomination). That's ultimately how old currency goes out of circulation and people and businesses don't lose money who would lose out as the last person holding an old bill.

Granted the father's character would probably not know any of this and I don't know if the serial number was still on the bills that the goat ate (or some of them) but I'm still wondering what New Zealand law is on this? Also didn't the goat eat only some of the bills? If there was left over's it seems likely that the goat only ate the top few bills and ate other things after.
