Boom shots

Man there was a lot of wide shots with booms dipping in and out.

Loved the movie and it didn't really affect my enjoyment of it at all but its the most I've ever notice in a feature.

What you just read was probably a bit of a rant. Sorry


Not that I noticed... and I usually get really distracted by things like that. I read elsewhere (probably on here) that this is sometimes because the film is not projected correctly... as in the film is being projected at the wrong format ratio and that included the top of the image that would be cropped off if projected at the correct ratio. No idea if this is correct... just something I've seen.


You're 100% correct. Usually movies are filmed in one aspect ration with the intention for it to be projected in another (typically 16:9) But if a theater messes up the aspect ration and crops it to 16:10 (like some movies are projected in) then you'll probably see production equipment.
