MovieChat Forums > Fortress (2012) Discussion > Stopped Watching After Two Minutes...

Stopped Watching After Two Minutes...

It does not matter there is a good story...

It does not matter its good CGI...

...if you have omitted basic knowledge on how a bomb run would be done, and on general aviation of an airplane multi-engine configuration.

The B-17 bomber is on the bomb run, about to loose the bombs. They are being pummeled by FLAK. The bombardier, the guy that looses the bombs tells the pilot "hold it steady." In reality, during WW II American bombers when on the bomb run were flown by the bombardier adjusting their Norden bombsight, not by the pilot! So it was him who should have held it steady.

In a multi-engine airplane, engines are numbered from left to right 1, 2, 3, and 4. After the inboard engine on the left wing is shut off, someone asks about the engines. The response is "engine 3 is shut down, 2 is running hot." The response should have been "engine 2 is shut down, engine 3 is running hot." Again, in four-engine airplanes engines 1 and 2 are on the pilot's side and engines 3 and 4 on the copilot's side.

Shitty execution. 1 out of 10.


I hear you, brother. It would be easy to have an expert around to make sure they get this kind of stuff right, but they just don't care.
