Artsy masterpiece!
I think this one has a lot of artistic merit. It combines many movie-making tricks and succeeds at all of them. A slow start where things look pretty normal but just slightly off. Not enough to anticipate what’s to come. The dialogue also feels off sometimes, especially when there is no music to patch the silences but somehow, it just help the movie and its eerie atmosphere. Speaking about the music,it was really good! The colourful visuals were aesthetically appealing and the special effects were beautiful and psychedelic. There were some fleeting moments in this film that lasted mere seconds yet I feel like they will be stuck in my head for ever. Very powerful stuff. Watch this movie at night (but not if your tired) and you shall be rewarded. I absolutely loved it. Be in the mood for a sometime mellow and slow, sometime creepy and strange and sometime emotional and nostalgic flick. Brings you out of your comfort zone but hits very familiar notes.
My rating: 8.5/10