MovieChat Forums > A Better Life (2011) Discussion > political rally in the film

political rally in the film

About halfway through the movie, while the boy and the father are riding on the bus, they pass by some sort of political rally, presented with lots of people sporting stars-and-striped banners. The boy wakes up, looks through the window and asks father what is going on. His father replies with "Nothing." or something along those lines.
As I am obviously not from the States, could somebody please shed some more light on that particular event in the movie. Like, is that based on something that really happened (rally, demonstrations of some sort). My guess is that it was some sort of a rally organized to create political pressure for either more liberal or more strict immigration laws, but even with such a broad estimate I feel that I could be very wrong.
Great movie, btw. Thanks in advance.


In the DVD commentary the director said that it was a rally in opposition to a controversial anti-illegal immigration law passed in the state of Arizona, which many critics think will lead to racial profiling. Although the bill was passed in Arizona, at the time there were rallies in many other states protesting it. More on the bill in question:


Just saw your reply now, many thanks.


It's sad, one state is trying to do the right thing, but the masses just want to continue to let delinquents break the law.


They were the maasive pro-immigration May Day rallies in Los Angeles.
