Karl and the Poisonous Frog

The animation of those two standing next to each other as Karl says it can't kill him and he won't lick it had me rolling.

Frog, you have the power to kill 1000 people in your lifetime. Choose them wisely.


Frog, you have the power to kill 1000 people in your lifetime. Choose them wisely.
I know! ROFLMAO! OMG! His first question ("Why is it so annoyed?") confused me because I know about toads that are poisonous if ingested. My Granny had a little dog when she lived in Panama (Her father was in the Navy, so she lived in several different places outside the US.) and it ate a cane toad and died. Anyway, it took a second for me to realize that Karl thought the frog could kill people by biting them and wondered why it had so much "power!" "Choose them wisely," indeed! I might use that quote as my sig!

"Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege." ~ Irish Proverb


My favorite moment on that episode was the PSA to the chameleon community... "Stay in green. Stay in the woods. Stay safe."

The animation of the poisonous frog attacking the people and scaring the CRAP out of the chameleon had me in tears...

You people are the disease, but I've got the cure. ~Morgan on "Chuck"


Bit I loved was when Ricky said karl would be constantly sticking it onto different surfaces to catch it out. Then Karl wondered what it do if it was stuck on a mirror...GENIUS MIND!


At no point will I be licking a little frogs head! - will always be in my top 10 favorite Karl quotes!

Don't believe the hype!



It's in the beginning of the "Onion" episode, which had this classic exchange.

Karl: who reminded me of the onion?
Ricky: YOU DID.


I love how annoyed Karl gets at the idea that this frog contains so much poison. As Ricky says, Karl doesn't like any sly animals. He doesn't like animals getting away with anything.
