MovieChat Forums > The Ricky Gervais Show (2010) Discussion > Newest episode from a podcast or not?

Newest episode from a podcast or not?

I thought I'd heard every podcast, radio show and audiobook, but I don't recognize this week's audio - a day in the life of Karl. Is it from somewhere or new? They said something like "we've known each other for 10 years now - didn't they all meet in 2002? Wouldn't that mean it was from this year? Forgive me if I'm wrong.


I think it is new. Ricky mentioned The Ricky Gervais Show and An Idiot Abroad.


I think they met in 2001, so I guess it must be one of the guides or a special. Someone on here said that last weeks episode was made from cut material from the podcasts, so maybe this is too.

There were talk about making original material for the show, but I don't think until season 4.


It's old material from a special podcast called Karl Pilkington: A day in the life. They might have tweaked the year for it to suit the current season, I don't remember.
