Karl's 'Munchies'

Ok, there are quite a few references in the shows to Karl's favourite treat, "Munchies".
Are they a savoury crisp/hoola hoop type snack or a chocolate one?
I ask because the cartoon sections always show them as something like a packet of crisps but Karl says there are maybe around 12 or 15 in a pack and he sometimes bites the top off to look inside.
I used to love "Munchies", the chocolate sweets, and they had around 12 to 15 in a pack and I would bite the top off too to look inside.
Can anyone tell me if they are referring to the choccie Munchies or some savoury treat called Munchies.


The animators either messed up or decided to make them crisps (chips) because that is what the HBO audience would relate to Munchies being. What Karl actually meant with regards to Munchies is a British chocolate snack that has many square shaped chocolates in a tube, and not the American chips.

I tend to think the animators decided the latter of the 2 reasons I mention above, because Karl at one point mentions biting in to one to see "what is going on inside" or words to that effect, clearly you couldn't do that to a crisp (chip), so they must of realised this when editing the animation.

Karl's Munchies : http://chocablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/munchies.jpg
Not Karl's Munchies : http://www.fritolay.com/assets/images/blue/munchies-cheese-fix.gif


I thought they were the chocolate ones I love (still do) and always got confused when they showed them as crisps.
Thanks for the explanation about the American audience, that makes sense.
