I don't find it funny

Is something wrong with me? I can't laugh whenever I watch this show. I haven't put any rating on the main page for the show as to not spite you people, but I would give it a 5 or 6 out of 10.

I have watched several episodes, and I find it cute, charming, witty. The animation is nice. But 3 British men incessantly chatting at breakneck speed about mundane topics does not tickle my funny bone. It is honestly the same reaction I have to "The Simpsons" or "Family Guy" but I guess the "Ricky Gervais Show" is supposed to be clever or something. I honestly cannot even get a "chuckle" out of myself, the most I can do is smile or let out a snicker or two. I guess I am not "Smart" enough to appreciate such "intelligent" humor, right?

I am very familiar with British humor, as I have watched series from Monty Python to the Office (UK) and I find them all hilarious. But I just don't find this funny. Sorry, guys.


I dont think its necessarily "intelligent" humor its more pop culture/England based humor. I find it hilarious, but if you dont like it to each theyre own i guess.

And yes The Office and Monty Python are hilarious. As far as The Simpsons and Family Guy goes they both WERE very funny shows but the most recent seasons for both shows have been slacking.

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I think it's one of those shows you really get the humor or don't get the humor. I can understand that, I never got into Seinfeld and everyone I knew was crazy about it, I couldn't sit through one episode.

Humor is so subjective and so personal, you never know what people will find funny.



I feel exactly the same way about this show.
Even though I usually enjoy anything with Ricky; this show has yet to make me laugh. I get what they're doing here,but to me it's kind of dull. And Ricky's constant fake laughter gets old very fast. Don't get me wrong I don't doubt Ricky finds Karl immensely funny, but yeah...
Most of his laughs here sound so fake and annoying they can almost rival those of Jimmy Carr.
Not dissing the show or anything, I personally just do not find it laugh-out-loud funny, I'll keep watching it though.

Corruption shall never breathe stinky upon my bicycle!


I don't think the show is necessarily meant to be "laugh-out-loud-funny" (even if Ricky does). There have been a few instances where I have laughed as loud is Ricky; but for the most part, I just find it very amusing and enjoyable but not hilarious.

Karl's frame of mind is very interesting to me, and that is what I find entertaining about it. Karl's unique thought processes and ideas are what draw me to the show; not necessarily the hilarity of it.


i disagree strongly that it's not meant to be "laugh out loud". i still remember the first time i saw this show was when they first read karl's diary and i was crying. there's plenty that has cracked me up.

with all that said, i haven't really liked this season. i can't really put my finger on it entirely but one thing i have a problem with is the animation this season. i usually find the animation to be a big part of what makes the show funny (i know i've seen a lot of podcast purest say they don't like it), but this season i just feel like it's lacking and not adding to what they're talking about. And i'm not sure why it bothers me, but i don't like how the three of them are always walking through the animations. it's like, all they're showing is the three of them walking through the story and talking, but they hardly bring the stories to life like they used to


Because of Karl, I think it's brilliant! He makes the show. Have you ever watch An Idiot Abroad? Check it out if you haven't. I can take or leave Merchant but and Gervais is pretty cool even though he's too closed minded for a comedian. It's all Karl!


I find it cute, charming, witty.

Wit, pertaining to humor, meaning funny.
Yet you state you don't find the show funny.

If Jesus was a Jew, why does he has a Mexican first name?


I think what makes it for me is the visualisation of Karl's thoughts or even Stephen's stories, not to mention some of the random scenario's Ricky sometimes comes up with.

And im not talking about this cartoon version either, just listening to the podcasts is a pure imagination brain tickler for me.

