I have to disagree because Karl has stated often that he feels like there are other intelligences in his body parts that know things he does not. He thinks his teeth are sentient because they hurt him just before something happens that will make him sad or angry. He thinks his body has knowledge of physical acts, like plumbing, that his brain may or may not share and the brain may choose to ignore and reject the body's ability to repair plumbing because the brain finds it too boring. Karl has a very strange, in my opinion, way of seeing things and makes odd connections that are not only human viewpoints, but not cause and effect or reasonable. I just watched the episode where Karl imagined Rosa Parks as a drunk, criminal, rude person who was lazy and would not get up and he would not have intervened if he was on that bus that day, but he immediately dropped everything to break up a fight between a hornet and a cricket. His world is probably 1000% better than mine, but he is very strange. My wife still thinks he is a comic genius doing a character, but I know a person who is a bit like this and I cannot imagine how a person could be like this and pull it off so well without being real. Crazy, but real.