Karl is like the odd friend in the group that everyone lays into ~ In Fun. I know they all hang out like buds do, but aside from hearing Ricky talk about Karl with words like "loveable" I debate with my Mom that Ricky enjoys Karl as a person and friend while Stephen just always seems actually annoyed by him and never seems to show any aspects of respect. What duzz ya'll think? Don't let this be a 1 and dead thread. Discuss....
In the early days, I always got the feeling that Ricky loved Karl, but Steve resented him. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but whenever Steve and Karl would insult each other, although it was presented in a jokey way, I always got the sense there was a thread of genuine mutual dislike underneath it. That impression faded away in time, though.
I completely agree with you. I listen to the podcasts all the time, and I get the very strong impression that while Karl and Ricky are good friends, Steve despises Karl, or at the very least genuinely thinks he's a useless idiot whose only purpose is to be mocked. It's subtle, but it's definitely there. Ricky is of course more vocal about mocking Karl's stupidity, but it's also very clear that Ricky loves Karl as a friend and also loves his comic persona -- Ricky's laughter at Karl's thoughts is quite infectious, and makes it clear that Ricky's comments are very tongue-in-cheek and that he thinks Karl is the funniest person he's ever met. The relationship between the two is almost brotherly.
Steve, on the other hand, is much more condescending of Karl than Ricky is, and often says things to Karl that are extremely cruel and much harsher than the things Ricky says. Ricky's comments are generally good-natured and non-serious things like simply calling Karl an idiot for saying something stupid, while Steve tends to respond to Karl's musings and ideas with comments that seem more genuinely motivated by contempt for Karl. Some examples of Steve's cruel comments include, "I'm just resting easy knowing he's not trying to breed." (the first time he said this it was mildly funny, but he repeats this comment quite often, to the point where you can tell that he really means it). He also often responds to Karl's odd stories by asking him in a very patronizing tone, "Do you live in Narnia?" or "Karl, were you created by the Brothers Grimm?"
I realize that it's a comedy show and that they tend to exaggerate things for comic effect, but if you are observational and good at reading between the lines it seems clear that Steve, at the very least, genuinely disrespects Karl and considers him an idiot, and that he puts up with him for the sake of milking this cash cow of a show. Furthermore, I think that Karl reciprocates this feeling, since it seems equally obvious that he dislikes Steve as well. Karl has never really made fun of Ricky, but he NEVER misses an opportunity to insult Steve (the most common insult being about how Steve looks like a freak). I, for one, love these moments of the show, because Karl takes a LOT of abuse from Steve, and he takes it in stride. But at the same time, Karl will shoot back at Steve with a crippling insult that is not only much funnier than any insult that Steve hurls at him, but is made even better because Steve reacts with such anger and hostility at any insult aimed at him.
No way. I couldn't disagree more. Ricky is in the wrong tons of times more than Stephen. All those comments you retraced are just funny comments, he knows Karl won't take offence at them (and he doesn't). They quarrel sometimes though, but most often because Karl has a go at Steve's looks (to be fair, Steven bashes Karl just like Ricky does, so he should take it), and Karl never seems to attack Ricky. I have listened to the XFM show and podcast.
I can't possibly imagine how "Do you live in Narnia?" is worse than "You're an idiot." Just because Ricky says the latter all the time.
Like people have said here, Stephen is often the one to let Karl speak, when Ricky's had enough! He doesn't love Karl like Ricky does, but Steve surely couldn't work with him if he had no respect for him.
Also, Steve is hot... just throwing that out there.
Anyone who knows the history of these guys working together knows full well that Stephen has NO reason whatsoever to treat Karl with anything but contempt and scorn. Karl has ALWAYS treated Steve like dirt for no reason. Stephen gives him s h i t because he has it coming. Furthermore Karl is NOT a nice person. I love Karl but the way he treats people is genuinely despicable and at times Stephen just can't see the humour in it. Sometimes he finds it fun to laugh at him and sometimes he really is offended.
If you listen to the XFM podcasts, there are occasions where Karl and Steve are genuinely arguing with each other. In my opinion, Steven doesn't seem to be as friendly with Karl as Ricky is, and a lot of the time it feels like he's just making fun of Karl.
Karl can be pretty meanspirited against Stephen, like calling him a freak or an invalid. Steve has a lot of patience with him, until they reach that point. Generally, he seems to want Karl to think and learn more than Ricky, who finds Karl amusing, but I don't think they would hang out together, at least not without Ricky as a buffer.
ive listened to alot of the xfm stuff and it seems steve and ricky both argue ALOT with Karl but there are times Steve says stuff like "let him speak". he does think monkey news and other stuff Karl says is rediculous but i dont think he hates Karl
But I think when Stephen wants to let Karl speak it's more along the lines of giving him enough rope so he can hang himself. Ricky interrupts Karl a lot when he says something stupid but Stephen knows that letting Karl say stupid things is satisfying for people to feel superior to him and is good for the show. It even comes across in the animation for the show. When Karl speaks, Stephen has his arms crossed and is looking at him smugly while Ricky gets a kick of out him.
George Carlin: It's all bullsh-t and it's bad for ya.
Karl was once requested by a talent agent to pass on an offer to Steve for voice work. He told Steve about it well after the window of opportunity had closed, and even then revealed that he took down no details of the job or contact information. When the issue was addressed live on the radio his response was "I figured there must have been a tractor sale on somewhere..." and that nobody wants to hear his voice anyway.
Karl once, out of nowhere, asked Steve live on radio if Valentine's day bums him out because nobody wants to be with him, or if he's relieved that he doesn't have to spend money on anybody.
Karl once expressed disappointment over the film Freaks, because if some of them were sat at the table right now with them on the air, Steven would still appear to be the 'freakiest' thing in the room.
Don't think anything Steve said has come near that kind of cruelty.
Karl puts up with a lot from both of them though, how he hasn't blown up at the both of them is beyond me. I mean, how many times could you be called "orange headed mank" or have your head paid out every single time.
Karl deserves to give a little I reckon. But I find that for the most part Ricky seems to get far too serious about things.
It's weird that many of the posts in this thread seems to want to tally the amount of *beep* these guys all throw at each other.
Friendship isn't something you count, though it shouldn't be completely imbalanced, but that there is some amount imbalance in how people treat each other is to be expected.
Steve and Karl have both been pretty mean to one another at different times, and may not be close friends, but they don't seem to genuinely dislike one another, even if they have some baggage.