Crusades were just
Islam started the holy war, they invaded Spain and france in the 8th century, enslaving more than 10 million white christians and pagans without provocation. ALL of the crusades took place when islam was occupying Europe with their center of power in Jerusalem(a place holy to muslims, christians and jews alike). Look up "Jihad vs crusades" by Bill Warner, Islam has occupied parts of europe non-stop since it conquered it's way out of Arabia and the comparison isn't even possible, The number of people killed, number of slaves taken, the number of battles that took place, the length of the genocidal atrocities, every possible comparison is one sided in favor of Islam/arabs having been the instigators, the biggest mass murderers, slavers, imperialists/occupiers in all of human history. Since there is no such thing as a pro-white media anywhere in the world(whites don't own anything, jews do but whites do not) you'll never see a movie about Charles Martel and his resistance to mass enslavement, genocide and oppression of his people at the hands of hordes of muslims of alien races invading, you'll never see a movie about the Asian Mongolian people called the Huns mass murdering their way across europe(they only cast whites in these roles) you'll never see a movie about the Mongolian Golden horde doing the same thing hundreds of years later under the Khan/his descendants. There were a few movies made in Spain in the late 60's which depicted the Moorish occupation, a few were english(el cid, longships) but long gone is any attempt to portray historical context. The jewish media is too busy perpetuating the myth of the white oppressor which started with Israel Cohen(1879-1961)'s book "a racial program for the 20th century" where he specifically says that they will use the media and academia to instill a guilt complex among whites to further advance the jewish racial agenda.