Maura's hair?

Okay, when Maura's kidnapped the guy slices off a giant chunk of her hair... The next episode her hair is normal. So like five or six months have passed between episodes? I'm confused...


The next episode her hair is normal

No it isn't. If you look at her in the first episode her hair was in a long ponytail. Now it's just barely to her shoulders.



Last week it was consistent with being recently cut/chopped. This week (2/23) it's back to normal length well beyond the shoulders. They are not acting like a lot of time has gone by, so she either has some fast-growing hair or is using extensions.

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I noticed that s well


the hair would have been a wig that was cut off, and i guess they forgot about in the last episode and well Sasha looked amazing, hair clothes, make up(S6E15) besides this show hasn't been the best with consistent.


Yep, I noticed that, too! I have a huge pet peeve about hair continuity in movies and TV shows and that was just sloppy on.their part.


I just laughed, because when he cut her hair initially, I thought to myself that it wouldn't matter...the continuity is so bad, her hair will be back to normal in no time. ;-)


He hacked her hair off, and in the next episode, it was still uneven. As if Maura wouldn't have freaked and gotten a professional to cut it and style it! For an obsessive-compulsive like Maura, that was completely unbelievable.
