Ron's daughter

I don't understand what her point was. Ron was at a wedding, it could have happened to anyone. I don't understand what his daughter was trying to accomplish by talking to Angela. It wasn't Angela's fault the wedding was shot up. Why was her daughter watching the news anyway? He wasn't even injured. It was such a pointless scene, not to mention irksome.


i agree i thought his daughter was such a bitch to Angela i really do hope that Ron finds out that its his daughter fault that Angela broke up with him

it's never Joan Van Ark- Marge Simpsons


She acted like Angela was putting him in dangerous situations. It could have just as easily happened at his hospital, or at the mall with some random assailant.


Yeah she had a lot of gall. If she had an issue she had a safety concern then she should have taken it up with her father. It's his life and his decision who he wants to date.

Shawn: I solve a case every week and usually one around Christmas


It irked me too. Are cops not supposed to have families and people that care about them? And for that matter, it was Jane being shot at. She understand more than anyone what it feels like to worry. As the wife of a LEO, it just sounded like someone who has the luxury of not worrying about their loved one.


Exactly! I don't know why the daughter acted like she was recovering from a traumatic event. Yeah it was scary but he wasn't even injured. The shooting had absolutely nothing to do with Ron or his daughter. Angela should be upset that her daughter is a target.


And Angela caved. Not even letting him make his own decision


I must have dozed off during that scene because I thought Angela was an idiot to break up with him so she could watch out for her children! Honestly, they are grown adults and trained police officers. Now it makes more sense.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


It seemed to me like Angela was using that as an excuse. She didn't want to tell Rob that his daughter came to see her so she used her children as the reason. I hope he finds out the truth later in the season, tells his daughter to f off and that she had no right to do what she did to Angela, and comes back to Angela. After all, he could step off a curb and get hit by a car, we are all constantly in dying, no matter where we are, who we are with, or what we are doing.


Totally thought I typed Ron, and saw I accidentally put Rob! Oops!


I completely agree with the childish daughter blackmail argument. I would even go one better and ask the daughter why, in Boston especially, the daughter would allow her admittedly young children to watch the news?? Because it happened later, even if the broadcast had been an interruption of another program what were they doing up that late? And she played the guilt card- nice.


Agree! It was all so dumb. If the actor wanted out of the show or the writers couldn't find a place for him, they could have written him out better than that! That was so weak. Who the hell does the daughter think she is?! AND, what did she want Angela to do about it. The gave Korsak someone to love, why can't the rest of the characters be in healthy loving relationships.

This show was SO much better when they had other secondary characters and their storylines and we weren't all tied up into what mama Angela thinks. We don't even see the department heads or bosses or any other cops any more. It's like the creators only have enough money to pay the main characters. Ugh! But I digress. Bring back Ron! They didn't really have chemistry but I liked looking at him! :-)


she was acting rather irritatingly b*tchy towards Angela...but on the other hand, I can understand that she was just over-protective and concerned about her father's safety. Sometimes when you're so over-protective about someone, you could get paranoid and be harsh towards the person you feel is responsible for putting that someone in harm's way. It's understandable, but it doesn't make it's true that it could've happened to anyone and there was no way that Angela could've predicted the shooting, I doubt she would intentionally put anyone in harm's way. So I think Ron's daughter was really too harsh and out of line towards Angela, clearly she's a very over-protective daughter. And the fact that her father is a grown arse adult who has the right to make his own decisions and choose who he wants to date, makes his daughter's over-protectiveness all the more too much.


I agree, that is and was a bad plot line. So because the person her father is dating has children who are cops, his life is now in jeopardy? Come on, he has more danger from his own work from a mental or druggie patient grabbing a scalpel and turning it on him. I can see her binge watching ER, or any hospital show for that matter, and forcing himto retire because she fears for his life. Maybe that's how he will find out the truth of the break-up. "Sorry Angela! I just found out my daughter is nuts, thinking my life is in danger from an indirect relationship with your children. Can you believe what she wants me to do now? I'm on my way to visit her in the mental ward, but, if you want to have dinner with me afterwards..."

I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no1 around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all? DrWho
