Stupid mistake
I just started watching episode S07E03 "Cops vs. Zombies," and in the first few minutes I already encountered something that was so asinine it made me question what the heck the writers were thinking. Around 2:30 into the episode, Angela walks into Maura's house where Maura and Jane are talking. Angela has one of those rolling suitcases with an extendable handle in tow, and Jane asks her "What's that?" to which Angela replies "Nothing." Jane walks into Angela's path and repeats "What's that?" and Angela replies "A backpack."
Really? It's clearly a freaking suitcase, or at the very least it should be called luggage. A backpack is a pack that's worn on the back... it's not something that has wheels and a handle to allow it to roll along the ground. I know this shouldn't bother me so much, but it's like these people aren't even trying anymore. A freaking backpack... give me a break. How are you gonna wear that on your back, Angela?
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