
Some people may find him annoying, but he tends to be the one regularly bringing a smile to my face. I love how the actor runs with Kent's kooky/crazy antics :). Who would have expected to see him like that at the end of the "Ghosts" episode.


I love his character and think he adds a lot. Wish he would wind up with Maura.


I love love love his character since they finally had him come out of his initial reserved shell.

I think there may still be a possibility for those two based on how he was with her regarding her head trauma. Fingers crossed!


Knees crossed - he does wear kilts, ya know!


Lol that he does! :o)


I like Kent a lot. Good-looking, smart, and funny, with some weirdness thrown in for good measure. I hope he and Maura end up together.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


I agree actually, I think Maura and Kent would make a good couple together...even though right now they only have a platonic working relationship, but they seem to complement each other really well, I think they're a good match 



I'd like them to get together, too. They'd make a great couple.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)


I don't hate/or find him annoying. For awhile I found him suspicious, but at this point he couldn't be bad. Just as long as he doesn't couple up with Maura, then I find his character a great fit. Since Nina and Frankie are already a couple, we don't need the cast coupling up, Grey's Anatomy can keep that.


I think he adds a lot of fun to the show and the whole duck scene was so sweet and funny when he had the duck on a dog leash that was so Cute as a animal lover myself that scene was so perfect .

It was a really good episode last night



Besides Isles, Kent is the only other character that I truly like.
