Is she really not gonna tell Jane the truth? Maura has feelings for Jane, may even b more now...She(Maura) asked "how can u love someone and not b with them"Now Maura she ask herself THT question and figure out if she's really gonna let Jane b the one that got away..Does anyone else agree that Maura has feelings for Jane?Let me know ASAP!!!!


If Maura has feelings for Jane than most the fans on the board will be jumping w/glee, I could careless; I just want a happy ending, but I thought they weren't going that route - oh well the show is almost good as gone anyway. Whatever floats the show runner's boat.


only the shippers want them together...and they are a very vocal bunch apparently, but they're not really the majority. The general audience either don't like them together or they couldn't care less.


The vast majority of the fans are either shippers, or do not care either way, but can tell there is chemistry there. :)

Only a very small minority refuses to see the chemistry between Jane and Maura.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.




I know the TV show is different but have any of you read the books. They are dark compared to the show and Jane married Agent Gabriel (the FBI guy a few seasons back) when she gets knocked up and Maura's real mother was not a doctor.
The show has just run out of steam. I am glad they are closing before it becomes way too sad - people are right that this last season seems hurried. A lot of shows keep going for too long. NCIS is way beyond it's expiration date.


Don't worry, you know what they say, it's not over until the fat lady sings.
Only worry when the final episode is over and done with, and they don't give us the ending we deserve.
The haters are strong, but we can be stronger, especially if we unify.

The end of the show is next week. We have 7 days, then all our questions will be answered.

If they don't have Jane and Maura get together by the end, well, I'll be disappointed, but I'll also build a time machine.
Anyone here have $250 million dollars?

Seriously though, all things considered, I'll take care of the problem. Don't you worry, no problem is impossible to solve. Unless it's dividing by zero.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


Fingers crossed, but with only 1 episode left and no set up to it, it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I mean, all the flirting and long looks and touching are a set up, but nothing like "Oh, I think I might have feelings for you." I always hoped for an episode where they did an undercover lesbian thing (kinda like the 1st season episode) and had to kiss as part of the cover. Then after the kiss they kinda look at each for a few seconds, like "Whoa. That was amazing." And things become uncomfortable between them for several episodes until it comes to the boiling point and they both acknowledge the attraction between them. They go on an experimental date and discover that their chemistry together is romantic rather than platonic.


That sounds like it would be a good episode.
While I know it's starting to seem almost no chance in hell, I still will hold out hope for an 11th hour and 59 minutes and 59 second appeal so to speak. :)

I think, if all things fall apart, I can always summon the Golgotha demon from the movie Dogma. :) That will teach the writers a lesson.
Unless they have a cold, and their nose is all stuffed up. :)

Maybe I'll just use the Golgotha against the haters here. :)

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


This would be a stupid and raged** development. I wouldn't mind if it was something that had been building, but to suddenly happen in the last two episodes would be awful.

**Edit- this should read "rushed", not "raged".

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


It wasn't something that only happened in the last two episodes.
It would have been building for quite some damn time.

Do I need to hire a skywriter? Do I need to take out a full page ad in every newspaper on the planet? How about a billboard? Because the signs are all there, and there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

I mean, at this point, nothing makes any sense but for Maura and Jane to get together.
Then again, I don't have much faith in humanity, and if they do decide to squander it, oh well, I'll just build a time machine.
And make everyone who can't see the truth pay for it. I'll only need like $300 million dollars.

The alternative is I summon the Golgotha Demon from Dogma after the haters and the blind. :)

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


I'm sorry, could you please site some specific references? Since day one both women have been very attracted to men and have never shown same sex preferences. In these last few episodes Jane has been giddy over the prospect of a relationship with the FBI agent. I don't see how a building romance between she me Maura would manifest in her lust for a man. It seems we have been watching the show through very different eyes.

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


Well, there's the gazing longingly at Maura, when she was singing in the second episode of this season near the end.
There's the time Jane smacked Maura on the ass, which if they were two guys playing football, would be completely normal, but they weren't playing football, and Maura was surprised.

The longing looks and touches, all through out the show.
I mean, yeah, it may not be kissing obvious, but it was obvious. Especially with the ending of this show.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


Well, we got it! We did, we got Maura to say "I love you." and we also got Jane to do it.
Kent man, we gave him flak, but he really helped there at the end. He justified his existence with his sock puppet theatrics. :)

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


They were saying "I Love You" to everyone at the party.



Well, that would be kind of strange, and honestly, wouldn't work. I love you is a personal thing.
If they said, "I love you all." Then yes, it counts as to everyone.
But they said, both of them, "I love you."

It's obvious.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


No it's not obvious. They're zero percent gay. Jane and Maura would be revolted at the thought. They both like men and only men. Deal with it gay weirdos.


Ah, offensive bigot, thank you for proving your bigotry and offensiveness.

Idi Amin is better than you, because as bad as he was, he wasn't as offensive as you.
He was a mass murder, guilty of crimes against humanity, and not a nice guy, still a lot better than you. :)

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


Idi Amin ate....literally ate....political dissidents.
I think you may have you were aiming for the moon and hit Alpha Centauri.....that kind of overshot.

That being said, never caught the gay a police procedural, it was fairly *beep* without even wanting to you ended up caring about the characters...they even had a primary cast member commit suicide last year and managed to work it into the show where you felt they were revealing their true emotional was wrenching.

I'm going to miss this show.


I didn't know he was a cannibal. That's interesting.
He's still nicer than that person. Sorry, but no matter what Idi Amin did, he is still nicer. Which is saying something.

And the gay stuff was there, for a long time, in minor amount, some of which isn't even debatable, such as the Jane gazing longingly at Maura when she was singing, which is something no friend would do. :)
The haters tend to want to bury it with their rage, but it's there.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.


I am entranced by Grace Vanderwaal when she sings...I'm 51, she's 12....does that mean I wanna *beep* her? Your logic is flawed, to say the least.

Also, look up Idi Amin...look at the pictures of what he did...some idiot disagrees with you and they're worse than Idi Amin?? No...a world of no. They're just dumb...Amin was evil given flesh.


That last comment was quite homophobic being revolted if someone is gay and calling them weirdos because they are gay.

People should be able to take the ending however they want it's just a fictional tv show.


Thank you! Sadly, the bigots never learn, and don't even realize that what they're saying violates several rules.
Those people will eventually have karma bite them.
I think this is why they made the ending the way they did, and didn't make them kiss or something. :P
Because the world is still full of rude bigots.

I am a man with Asperger's Syndrome, so please forgive me if my posting seems weird.
