This movie was actually very good.
I really enjoyed it. I don't understand all of the hate it seems to be getting. It's a lot better than most of the garbage being produced these days. If it had come out ten years ago it would have been a hit (I'm not trying to say it is behind in the times either, it's just that people today don't know a good thing when they see it.)
Alicia was charming, and it had a really good cast. I really liked the friendship dynamic, and overall it had a really strong story. It wasn't meant to be a serious film, or to be like clueless, people aren't judging it for what it is but instead are holding it up to something it wasn't trying to be, which isn't really fair.
If you are out there wondering if this is any good and if you should give it a shot, the answer is yes, give it a shot, you will be surprised.