The different voices did bother me a little, just because the original voices were excellent. However, i can actually imagine mutant bananas in the original show, it was pretty insane (which was part of the charm for me)! As for the 1987 turtles being scared and immature, well, i think the reason for them being scared at times, is because they're used to fighting a bungling idiot comedy villain, cheap cartoony robots, and pizza monsters (yes that was in an episode, of series 2 i think) so to suddenly be fighting competent villains, they feel a little out of their depths, because real threats seem odd to them the original series of TMNT, was, after all a comedy show, so they never were put into so much peril. As for the immature: yes, they were a little bit too immature, although Donatello did still retain some of his personality, in the fact that he still did machines (reference to the (awesome) original theme song, not due to lack of vocabulary). Either way though, do you really want to believe these werent the real 87 Turtles? I think it ruins the magic of it to think such a thing, i mean for 2 hours i was given the pleasure of watching my childhood heroes again, and so i refuse to believe these weren't the real deal, even if their immaturity was a bit exaggerated
theres no point in being grownup if you cant be childish sometimes!!!