They made the 80's series seem great. Funny, action packed, both the 2003 and Comic Turtles loved the symbols on the 80's turtles belt buckles.
80's Donatello made the 03's Donatello seem shallow and brain dead (despite attempting the opposite) 80's Leonardo had the voice of a real leader.
The 80's Turtles overall showed way more confidence, and kicked more shell than any of the other turtle teams did in the movie.
I was impressed.
I just suffered through the last three seasons of the 80's series. It was horrible. No pizza, April in a leather jacket, Lord Dregg?! It was horrible. Michelangelo with no 'chucks since season 3 was also horrible.
However, the first season (5 episodes) of the 80's series is really where it's at. Great action, bad guys are tough to beat, the show is really hardcore at that point.
Um... There is a difference between the two Donnies. Laird intentionally made the 2k3 Donny into someone more into the real world. A type where he isn't perfect but he comes through eventually. He is more balanced of a fighter/genious than the 80s version.
As for 80's Leo... are you serious!?! They made him into a joke in this version.
As for confidence, yes they had, but sadly it was on the wrong levels because they are always so cheery that they don't know the real world like the 2k3 turtles. They were about to be finished by Hun's men for crying out loud.
Funny, action packed, both the 2003 and Comic Turtles loved the symbols on the 80's turtles belt buckles.
Only Michelangelo from the comic and 2003 series liked the initials on the belt. I thought they went a little too far with poking fun at the 87 turtles. I mean, at the final scene fighting Shredder they get scared and cried?
I loved the movie, but I don't think they portrayed the 87 turtles accurately, and certainly not in a way I'd introduce them to newer kids.
Yes, the writers went to great lengths to show that the 80s turtles were inferior to the TMNT turtles. The TMNT turtles were shown as more adept crime fighters and much better ninjas whereas the 80's turtles were shown to be more of a bumbling, goofy sort.
Worst sins-
Blackheart hit the nail on the head... Hun's men can easily defeat and trap the 80's turtles?? Impossible.
The 80s turtles constantly laugh at their own jokes... constantly. I'm not saying it never happened, but never even close to as frequently as portrayed in Turtles Forever. Maybe they'd do it occasionally at the end of an episode.
Leonardo is lacking in the role of leader. He's made to be a clone of Michelangelo.
The 80s turtles seem to rarely get serious, even in the face of universe-ending threats.
The 80s turtles are cowards. They flee from the mirage turtles and they cry, shiver and hug the current Raph during the finale. This is inexcusable. Yes, the writers may want to poke some fun at the silliness of the old show, which is fine, but the turtles have always been composed of strength and courage.
That being said- I think Mike and Herald are on to something. I still enjoyed the movie, and the 80s turtles was the reason why. They brought life and character to the screen. They brought a vibrant visual dynamic and a sense of fun. Raph, Mike, and Donatello, aside for a few of the gaffs mentioned above, were right on the money. The current lot seemed so heavy handed and dull in comparison- ESPECIALLY Raphael. His endless bashing of the 80s turtles proved to be really annoying, mostly because his putdowns were the only comments he made throughout- he had nothing else to say. The Raph from the live action movie was badass... the animated 2000's one just seems to be a poser. He also seemed a little gay for Casey. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
The scene where the mutant bananas and evil leprechauns attack April almost brought a tear to my eye. It was so beautiful.
So yeah... even though they were treated with disrespect, the 80s turtles still served to remind us of a time when cartoons were action packed AND fun. Cowabunga, dude.
I didn't mind the rip on the 80s version for the first little bit, it was a funny wink to the people who know how dark the turtles were in the comics. But when they NEVER ripped on the new version, for anything, the whole movie, it was irritating. I mean c'mon, nothing about them not having eye balls, or the long head bands, or how cheap and anime like they look? If they had returned the ribbing, it would have seemed much more balanced. Clearly whoever wrote this loves the newer series just a little too much.
Still, a great movie if you're a fan of any of the series'...
"Did you mean for all those words to come out like that or did they just fall out randomly?"-H.H.
What really bugged me was how the 2003 Turtles were so serious, yet they kept making fun of the 80's Turtles for being too goofy. I mean THEY'RE TURTLES! Why the seriousness?
Agreed with the previous users that there should've been more a balance in regards to criticism. I still loved the movie though, it took me back to a better and more innocent time in my life, and was simply a whole lot of fun.
"Maybe we should've robbed a liquor store like everybody else."
This pretty much got it right. Making the 87 Turtles inept at fighting the originals is fine (because come on, they'd get their asses kicked), but making them drop their weapons and run, that's something that's just out of character for them.
But, they did manage to poke fun at 03 Raph AND the originals (after all, the comics did start out as a parody). And the 80s Turtles were able to fight just as well as the 03 ones. Besides the last fights with the Mirage Turtles and 03 Shredder, I thought they got the appropriate amount of respect.
I always wondered if _I_ was the only one who caught that, that he switched from chucks to a grappling line half-way through the series. Was this for synidcation in England?!
Overall I liked the film but I'll completely agree with all those who complain about the 80's versions of the turtles. The best way I can discribe them is that remember back when you were a kid and some snooty adult would complain about how bad the cartoons you liked were and said things like these characters are all interchangeable, they have nothing to distingush themselves from each other. It's like those people who didn't like the series or know anything about it wrote the 80's turtles.
Also show an episode where the turtles were giving nuggies to everyone, seriously.