Lots of missed opportunities here
I liked this movie despite its relentless exaggeration of the 80's Turtles (come on, they weren't nearly that silly!) but I feel like there was so much more that could have been explored during the merging of the two universes. Like how cool would it have been for the two Caseys to have met? That would have made for a truly interesting and hilarious scene. Also, I would have liked for someone to have mentioned Hamato Yoshi only for the 80's Splinter to reply that he IS Yoshi, confusing the 2003 Turtles whose Splinter began as a rat. There are several other things I felt should have happened in this crossover and wish they would have focused more on that rather than having so many scenes of the 80's Turtles being overly goofy cowards. Anyone else feel this way?
This movie had other problems as well. The voices of the original characters wee mostly good but some sounded way off. Not trying to sound pompous but, honestly, I could have voiced every one of the characters and done a better job. Also, when they all arrived in the dimension of the original show, why did it show Bebop and Rocksteady as humans when it has already shown them as being mutants?
As I said, I did enjoy this movie and found it to be a great treat for Turtles fans, a proper 25th anniversary event. I just wish the 80's version of the Turtles were depicted in a more respectful way.