If this "quick cash grab no-frills DVD" is any indication of the direction Nick is going with the franchise, things are looking pretty grim already. REALLY hope they don't mess up the rest of the releases of the 1987 and 2003 shows, when and if they continue them.
Wow. I was looking forward to buying this, but now that i know that it's the 70 minute version and that they made it 4:3, I think I'll pass. Hopefuly they're saving the good stuff for a blu Ray release which is actually my preferred format anyway.
I found some screencaps confirming the DVD is in widescreen: http://www.toonzone.net/forums/showpost.php?p=3668987&postcount=84 Unfortunately, it appears to be the kind of widescreen DVD where black bars do not disappear on an HDTV, but instead surround all four sides. (like the original versions of the Star Wars films)
I haven't been very particular about the DVD's I bought so far, the original movies, the classic toon, and the 2k7 flick, I was satisfied with those, the 2k3 toon I taped to blank DVDs, but since this is a grand finale for both toons and a dedication to fans, I definitely prefer to buy it full-fledged, nothing cut out. I guess I can rely on Youtube 'til something better gets arranged.
Is it true that the DVD cuts out the ending scene about Eastman and Laird making the very first issue? Wikipedia says it is, but does not cite the statement.
EDIT: Never mind, it actually says the version that played on Nickelodeon cut that part. The Technodrome forums also say this is true.
No the DVD does not cut the scene with Eastman and Laird. Also the widescreen is not black bars on all 4 sides. It’s top and bottom only. I still picked up the release even though it’s cut. Never seen it before and was looking forward to the return of Utrom Shredder. I was not disappointed with this DVD. It was worth the $12 I paid.
I just bought the UK version from Amazon.co.uk and it is spectacular. Unedited and in widescreen. This was the fist time I've seen the movie and I loved it. It held my interest all the way through and it was a great homage to the legacy of the TMNT.
Yep, the Region 2 UK version actually did it right. Still no extras, but it's the uncut version in anamorphic widescreen with relevant cover art. But also in PAL video, which not everyone in Region 1 land would be able to play.
Incorrect. It's top and bottom only if you're watching it on an old 4x3 TV. Modern TVs are 16x9 and this type of "letterboxed" widescreen does indeed show bars all the way around the image, commonly referred to as "windowboxing," on a 16x9 display. Basically letterboxed within a 4x3 frame, then pillarboxed to fit the 4x3 frame within the 16x9 frame = black bars all around.
Sure, it can be zoomed in with a modern TV but you're losing a TON of resolution in the process. This should have been anamorphic, so it would display properly in widescreen on ALL types of TV, plus have the resolution boost that anamorphic provides. There was NO excuse for a 2009 DVD release to be done this way. 16x9 TVs have been the current standard for several years now, and ALL widescreen releases should support them.
I enjoy your videos and am a subscriber to your channel. I also agree with most of what you said about this DVD but honestly, I don't really care about what the cover art looks like, lack of bonus features, whether it's in widescreen or not, etc. All of that would have been nice but most of all I'm just happy to finally own it and be able to watch it whenever. I'm sure that if it came to DVD when it was first released in 2009, we would have gotten a much better version. It does kind of suck, but not enough for me to boycott the release. Nickelodeon doesn't seem to care about the Turtles outside the 2012 series, which I'm not a fan of, and that is unfortunate because I would love to see proper DVD sets of the 2003 series.
And regarding the additional 8 minutes that are missing, what exactly has been cut? I'm sure it wasn't anything interesting like the two Caseys meeting or the 80's Splinter revealing that he IS Hamato Yoshi to the 2003 Turtles. Probably just more scenes of the 80's Turtles acting like overly silly cowards or obsessing over pizza. And if that's the case, I'm really not too bothered about seeing this "extra footage".
Some of the footage helps like how Karai found the Utrom Shredder after she takes down 87 Shredder and Krang.
There is a added scene at the end when Utrom Shredder is fading because if he kills the Mirage turtles, everyone, including Utrom Shredder will cease to exist. He hesitates for a moment and decides to end all life even if it means his own! He starts to laugh diabolically as a result. In the cut version, when he crushes them, it jumps straight to him laughing diabolically.
There is a scene where the 80's are acting a little silly, and 2003 Raph calls them clowns provoking anger all around. 2003 Splinter breaks up the fight reminding who they are and all are welcome. 2003 Raph apologizes before 87 Leo speaks. This is where the edit version resumes.
I can't remember the rest if any, but some parts of the edit version makes more sense because they would say things like "that's what he said" but huh? I didn't remember him saying that. Then you are like, oh, cuz it was edited when you see the uncut version.