MovieChat Forums > Kaleidoscope (2023) Discussion > Which order did you watch the series in?

Which order did you watch the series in?

I watched in this order:

It all made sense watching it in this order but interested to know how other orders worked out.


No idea except that the most boring one, about the FBI lady, was first. I almost gave up due to the boredom of not knowing what was going on with a mopey FBI mom and zero Giancarlo.


I really disliked the FBI woman and also the aggressive annoying husband from the Heist team. Giancarlo was so amazing in this show.



I just watched it as Netflix played it and for me it was:


I was frustrated at the end of the watch, especially with how many didn't survive
but looking back now feel like they were all pretty horrible people who probably didn't deserve much more.
I was happy that the daughter ended up with the bonds/money though and I had worked that part out when her Sister got a job in her office and they were discussing 'stacking the FEDEX boxes up high'. But I never saw the killing of the FBI agent coming, nor poor RJ's demise and tbh, I had kind of hoped he'd double-crossed them all and gotten away with the lot just because they had all treated him pretty poorly and he was always kind of unassuming.


Thanks for your order. Similar to mine apart from Blue and White. I'm glad I finished on Pink. Me too and very sad seeing Gus walking off into the tunnel in the Pink episode. :''( I hate that the woman got away with some money. She and her husband were horrible and she murdered someone, so it didn't seem fair. The way she was always late really annoyed me too, like when she had to bring the temperature down for the team. It's as if she wasn't bothered if the alarms went off. Yes happy about the daughter. I thought that was her partner not sister. I could be wrong though. Yes I was shocked too, but do you remember her boss or colleague mentioned people can kill you by a tap on the arm, so when I saw that old man touch her hand, I knew then she was gone.

Overall I did enjoy it and it's fun watching it in any order you want. :)


so far Black, Green, Yellow. I believe that White is always supposed to be watched last.


:) lol I know. I went against the system. I wanted to end it on the post heist episode for closure. I hope you are enjoying it so far.


so far it is entertaining.


I started to watch the order Netflix had, which was jumping all over the place.
Once I figured that out I read the descriptions and played the rest in chronological order. It was much better.

They save the actual heist for last so you don't get the twist until the end, but it was fine the way I watched it (with the two post-heist episodes after the heist), and made more sense.


Alphabetical order, with the exception of White which I left for last.
Blue (5 Days before)
Green (7 Years before)
Orange (3 Weeks before)
Pink (6 Months after)
Red (the morning after)
Violet (24 Years before)
Yellow (6 Weeks before)
White (the heist)

I was happy with it. It was fun putting the pieces of the puzzle together. If not for that, I am not sure the story is strong enough to be particularly remarkable when watched in chronological order.
