MovieChat Forums > Gone in the Night (2022) Discussion > Enjoyable Not Great (no spoilers)

Enjoyable Not Great (no spoilers)

Some interesting choices on this one from the director. The film was enjoyable and the acting was solid throughout by all involved...but two of the characters were written rather cartoonish (the younger couple) and the story just never gave us any reason to understand what Kath saw in her boyfriend. They had no chemistry to speak of and seemed more like siblings than a couple. Some heavy suspension of disbelief on the "science" towards the end, but by that point I think I was ready for the movie to be over any ways.

Again, it was enjoyable, I don't regret renting it. Some interesting twists, but the story could have been better fleshed out to really make this stellar.


hahaha! I could've written that sum up word for word. Seeing Winona and Dermot is a plus. The manner in which the story unfolds is what kept it most interesting for me. I watched it on Hoopla so I didn't have to rent.


I really enjoyed it too. Yeah, Kath and Max were an unlikely couple but sometimes that works. The twists were very good. I saw one of them coming but not everything.

I do have a question about the end. If I understood correctly, it looked like Kath was going to let everyone die in the shipping container and she was going to move into the cabin which was quiet and peaceful. I was surprised when she got back out of her car instead of driving away. Is that the way it looked to you too?


Well she did tell Mulroney's character that she "would kill for a cabin like this one" at some point, so...


I'm actually leaning in this direction, although as I said to the OP, it's up for debate, we'll never really know. Thanks very much for your input.


In my opinion, she was just taking a moment to reflect on the situation and possibly enjoy her triumph over such a horrible situation. Her obsession with finding her bf seemed to be more out of knowing "why" not so much because she loved him. I would imagine she eventually calls the police and lets them deal with the bad guys so it doesn't weigh on her conscious.


I'm not so sure about that. You might be right but the more I think about it, the more I feel she really wanted that cabin and felt that after everything she went through, she deserved it. We'll never know and it's certainly up for debate. Thanks very much for your input.


this is how I took it as well.
