MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > This is Brilliant film making.

This is Brilliant film making.

It surpassed Slumdog millionaire in almost every way, don't know why people were so afraid to give it the praise it deserved. It should have killed it at the Oscars, that's for sure.


Among Boyle's films, I also rank this higher than Slumdog Millionaire. You're right about that. I would stop short of calling this a masterpiece, though. There were times when this looked and sounded like a music video, which struck me as odd. Plus, the opening credits were irrelevant and incongruous to the story. I sometimes wondered about the soundtrack and whether it made any sense. None of these, however, are drastic flaws. It's still a testament to Boyle's ability as a filmmaker.


Danny Boyle is a terrible filmmaker. That is just my opinion of course.
