OK The guy went through hell
Why make a film about it.I admit I haven't seen it but this does not seem like entertainment.Opinions please.
shareWhy make a film about it.I admit I haven't seen it but this does not seem like entertainment.Opinions please.
shareI kinda questioned this myself. But then I realised it's actually a good idea making it a movie, because it tells people to be brave and do the unthinkable to save your life. He could have given up and died, but he decided to suck it up and put himself through torture to be free again. And when he was free he gained a new outlook on life. It's a good lesson for people. Sometimes we need to see movies like this to truly understand what he really went through. You can hear the story "man cuts off arm to free himself and survive" and just think "aww ouch, what a brave guy" and then move on. But seeing powerful movies like this REALLY make you feel the hell he was in. So we can identify with how brave he really was by doing this.
shareValid points yes.He is an ordinary Joe like you or I who just happened to get caught up in an unfortunate situation.To base a film on one (brave/desperate) event seems to be the new norm for a Hollywood fast running out of ideas.What next I ask.Man falls in street and grazes knee.I can imagine dozens of producers scrambling for exclusive rights to this riveting story.I don't mean to make little of the pain and suffering Aron went through but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from.
shareNo I can't see where you're coming from. Go back and read my first reply
shareWell if he valued his life he would not have done what he did on his own.Its like a SCUBA diver going out on his own.Its just asking for trouble.Thats a bit off subject but I don't believe people need self preservation lessons from hollywood.I have reread your post and probably agree with must of it on second read but in all honesty I still don't think with all the padding out this film had it was justified in the making.
shareValid points yes.He is an ordinary Joe like you or I who just happened to get caught up in an unfortunate situation.To base a film on one (brave/desperate) event seems to be the new norm for a Hollywood fast running out of ideas.What next I ask.Man falls in street and grazes knee.I can imagine dozens of producers scrambling for exclusive rights to this riveting story.I don't mean to make little of the pain and suffering Aron went through but I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from.
No. You're full of *beep* and dumb too.
shareI thought it was an existential question and the question of survival. THere are too many things, like evolution, and what a person does at their last moments. I actually was expecting him to die in the end, and because he survived the movie for me was a big dissapointment because they used it to continue the social propaganda - survive, procreate, trust, hope, the whole american dream scheme. Death is very interesting in general, and slow death process is very interesting, because you tend to have hollucinations, and you can only survive a few days without water, but you start having major breakdowns of the body by then, I was expecting that, at least. I mean it just makes you think - what you would do in this situation? It's an imprefect world, and this guy is an extremist. Same things sound back to The Hunger Games, and The Sound of Insects... By ebye
sharei thought the same...until i finally watched the film last night. from the very first sequence, i knew it was going to be great. it was. never boring, based extremely accurately on ralston's experience, and, ultimately, very moving. i'm going to watch it again.
shareYou can't really comment if you haven't seen it. I thought it looked like a boring film but I've finally watched it and it was surprisingly good.
shareWhy make a film about it? You really have to ask?
Look at who he was at the start of the film and look how different his mindset was by the end. I think this film serves as a cautionary tale to all the wild young people out there who perceive themselves to be invincible and think they can do anything regardless of the danger. Anyone who shares his fascination for crazy adventures should watch this and make sure they're at least somewhat better prepared than he was when the calamity befell him.
So every film has to be entrrtaining to be good? No movie should ever takle a serious subject? That means we wouldn't have films like Schindlers List or Apocalypse Now, simply because they deal with serious situations. You numbnut. Thats one of the most idiotic threads I've ever read. So basically dumbdown every movie to Avengers, so it doesn't disturb your safe little life. "Oh no! Its a serious movie! I can't deal with that! Quick, switch to Transformers 654!!"
Oh my god, your face needs to be squashed by a rock.