Cell phone idiocy (spoilers)
Just saw this on Netflix, and I had 3 pretty major issues w/ the end, both of which revolve around cell phones.
1. The first one is potentially explainable, but it was when Michael was supposedly receiving texts from Careese. Why would she be texting him? It was Victoria who was spamming the crap out of Careese's phone with calls. I guess it's *slightly* possible she was texting both just in case, but it still doesn't make much sense.
2. Also dealing with the texts from Careese, I think it's an error in the movie. We CLEARLY see Fritz break Careese's phone in 2 pieces, so how did he even text Michael to begin with?! I won't accept a cloned phone response. ;)
3. Both Michael and Eva still have their cell phones at the end. When Eva's hiding under the bed, why didn't she call 911? Even if she just hung up, the police would probably still check it out. But while Fritz was chaining Victoria up downstairs, that would've given Eva PLENTY of time to at least get the message out there that someone was in their house. And then when Michael come to, he doesn't call 911 either! I already thought unchaining Victoria was time wasted he could've used to go protect his daughter (Victoria was clearly alright otherwise), even after he unchained her, he could've given her his cell phone.
I understand that in a crisis situation that people aren't their most clear-headed, but it seems the writers were just forcing a more tense situation. And then there's problem #2, which was just sloppy writing, imo.