The one and only thing stopping this from being an actual reboot is the small plot device of the main character looking for a character from the first movie. That's literally it. They should've just nixed that. It's really just a lot of the same stuff we saw in the original happening to different people (like the Evil Dead reboot).
That would've gotten rid of the inconsistencies.
"Why was the witch stomping around like a giant?" "Why did she look like an alien?" "Why was Rustin Parr's house so much bigger?" "Where did the whole 'If you don't look at her she can't hurt you' thing come from?"
~~~ "I'm not used to being out in months that don't begin with 'O'." -The Ringmaster, Dark Harbor
The retcons did get old. That was Lane's purpose for the most part. Retconning things.
-No, *this* is how Elly really died! -No, we don't know if it was the attic or the basement! -Parr's house had tunnels underneath! -If you look at her, you'll die!
Somehow he knows all this stuff, but Heather and Co. couldn't find out despite months of researching and talking to people.
Yes, he knew all of that stuff because he lived in Blair his whole life and he was really intriguied by the legend so realistically since he'd been living in the town where the legend occurred his whole entire life, and he wanted to learn more, he'd know more than Heather and her friends. Plus yes, they do reference the tunnels in the Dossier I believe, and you don't really need an explanation as to why the sounds were so loud, honestly it was most likely just to show that her powers have grown since the first movie and she's more angry and powerful now. And Rustin Parr's house being bigger than it looks is just because of the Witch. It's already been proven from both the first movie and this one that the Witch can alter space. So, in this one she's probably just shifting the house around in order to get them lost, which explains why they both sound so surprised when they end up in the attic.
A town where no one talks about what happened and no one really knows. They tied her in the woods, kids disappeared and then they all vanished and never came back. None of this supports Lane's ability to give all this new backstory. He's Lane Exposition laying out seeds. He's the writer talking.
The dossier, as I recall, were tunnels that went nowhere, not tunnels that apparently loop back around to the same house in the same location.
The witch had been shown to possibly have the ability to create time loops. There is nothing in the lore that I recall gives her the ability to rearrange space and create a huge house from what was previously a small one.
I'm sure that if your town is known for an urban legend then if you hunt long enough you'll find all of the details out, whether they're real or not. And also yes, the witch can alter space because 1.) in both movies the group ends up in the same exact space even though they only walked straight and 2.) Rustin Parr'a house burnt down, meaning that technically speaking she'd have to conjure it back in order for the characters to find it. And it's obvious something changed while they were in the house, otherwise they both wouldn't have been so surprised that they ended up in the attic. Not to mention the fact that miraculously, the woods continued on forever despite that not being possible, and despite the fact that all of the characters knew where the exit was initially.
The unreliable narrator perspective is something I could buy. The problem here is everything he says turns out true. Except the witch that isn't or is depending on who you believe, the movie or the writers.
She didn't alter space. The woods were exactly the same, that's how they ended up back where they started in both movies. They're in a loop. That's not what happened at the house, which is definitely bigger. It could have worked here if the house was the same size and they kept ending up at the same place no matter what door they entered. Instead it loops without any gateways like doors. Halls after halls and steps after steps.
And none of it really adds anything to the movie itself or the mythos. What was the purpose of the tunnel scene? Why the exposition about the attic and basement which by and large mean nothing overall? It feels like things added to pad out a story. Unplanned sequels usually have a retcon or two. They're almost unavoidable with different writers, especially when the original creators have little input. These new things don't really matter in the grand scheme of the movie.
Well, I feel like she had to have altered the area in some way if they managed to end up in the same spot despite knowing exactly where they were going. Plus not to mention the exit was not where it was before and had literally completely disappeared. She might have either trapped them in a time loop, shifted the woods around or both. Shifting things around would explain all of the loud creaking and smashing noises though.
Obviously they did, that's the point of the comment that she suddenly has new powers. In the original, she doesn't display this kind of power. Now she can alter not just time but space.
It just doesn't seem very well conceived on the whole. Like Lane saying 5 days had passed in a few hours. How doe he know that if the sun never came up? If he had a watch on, why ask when the last time he saw them was?
I'm assuming he asked because he wanted confirmation. I mean if I had just seen time continue to go by without the sun going up, I'd ask them. Especially since he was suspicious of whether they were real or not.