smart scares vs stupid scare
I know this is a movie not meant for high quality writing, and you have to dumb down. Still, when the movie started the first two things that came to mind, was why he'd think his sister was still alive after nearly 2 decades still running around in the woods. even when he learned it was a hoax he still went blindly into the house thinking it was heather just because he sees someone in a window? second was why an anonymous person would send this found footage and not get the police involved. Instead he'd just it to youtube. He believed in the legends of the blair witch, and yet felt he needed to bring other people there to prove it? He chose to spend the night in the woods even though he believed in the legends? My biggest problem was that a woman was actually intelligent and did cool stuff to surive, only to get killed at the end anyway. also if the blair witch can't kill you if you don't look at her, how did she get Ashley and heather and josh who never saw her?