MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > Missed opportunity - Remember when they ...

Missed opportunity - Remember when they opened the Ark?

I think there was a missed opportunity for some kind of apocalyptic vision for Oppie when the bomb finally goes off. I think it should have been shocking and scary, kind of like at the end of Raiders.

I mean he did envision people with flaky skin and ash. Why not have a full on Angel of Death scene. At least would have been some kind of spectacle in this otherwise drab film.


I think the film was more about politics and explanations, rather than special effects



And besides, the budget was already blown considering the number of big names attached.

The film can hardly be considered drab when it's one of the big hits of the year. The public in effect said "we want more like this one!".


yes good point, but come on. IMAX to see young Han Solo's forehead?


personally I didn't think it was an IMAX film (but I'm not trying to sell tickets). I thought it was more of a large scale Margin Call, with an explosion


You clearly didn’t stick around for the post-credits scene. Brie Larson arrives and uses her energy powers to hold Oppie down and make sex with him in a crowded interrogation room. It’s unimaginably horrific.


HAHA what a payoff to a drab 3 hours. In the words of Truman, I never want to see that crybaby again!
